Has Fox News been doing their "War on Xmas" this year or was that O'Reilly's game?
Yea, I think that was initially started by Reilly. Although I have seen a couple post on facebook about it, it hasn't taken off nearly like years before.
There IS no war on Christmas, though it does seem to be a FOX"News" talking point. I believe they have an ad where a little girl thanks Trump for allowing her to say "Merry Christmas", again. The implication being that someone had done something to stop her, before.
I'm not sure. I am, though, torn about saying "Merry Christmas." I used to have no problem saying it, but now it's kind of demanded. If you don't say those magic words, Christians and conservatives get obnoxious. I was shopping all day, and the cashier was usually the first to say "Merry Christmas," so I'd just reply, "Thanks! You too!"
They were all very nice people, I just don't like to say "Merry Christmas" anymore because it feels like I'm choosing a side (a conservative side) in a culture war. Conservatives have really sucked the fun and good "spirit" out of Christmas for me.