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99% of school shootings were done by males . How do we get them to stop ?

Just read a comment on Facebook , which said , if 99% of the school shootings , had been done by females , it would be an issue . But the fact is , that 99% of the school shootings were committed by males . There are frequent and loud complaints about the access to guns , but nothing is posted about the males having access to the guns . Any thoughts ?

Cast1es 9 June 6

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I read something on my high-school art teachers page (super right wing) it said teach kids the value of human life, don't ban guns. This got me thinking how can conservatives teach the value of human life? They build walls to keep humans out who for the most part just want a better life. They murder prisoners by the hundreds. They promote war. They condone police militarization who kill anything that moves. Also stand your ground laws are designed to allow scared white people to shoot first ask later. Now what values can these people expect to bestow upon the youth of America that will end school place violence?

...I sure agree with you!

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