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LINK Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning: Make Smarter Arguments, Better Decisions, and Stronger Conclusions

What are the three largest, most relevant sample sizes for identifying universal principles? Bucket number one is inorganic systems, which are 13.7 billion years in size. It's all the laws of math and physics, the entire physical universe. Bucket number two is organic systems, 3.5 billion years of biology on Earth. And bucket number three is human history….

In some areas, it is necessary to accept that truth is subjective. For example, ethicists accept that it is difficult to establish absolute truths concerning whether something is right or wrong, as standards change over time and vary around the world.

When it comes to reasoning, a correctly phrased statement can be considered to have objective truth. Some statements have an objective truth that we cannot ascertain at present. For example, we do not have proof for the existence or non-existence of aliens, although proof does exist somewhere.

zblaze 7 June 8

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I'm confused but that's ok. I've decided I will believe and in some instances think, whatever the Rice Krispies say to me as they snap crackle pop in the morning

Once again, Henry is laughing....

@IamNobody oh Henry I do so want you to be happy. I try to have a sense of humour at least once a week

@AmelieMatisse Henry is happy no matter what... he just appreciates your remarks sometimes 🙂

@IamNobody thank you and I appreciate your appreciation. It is something lacking in my life

@AmelieMatisse don't say that, Henry will be here always. Certainly Henry's life got better with you ???

@IamNobody exponentially better LOL!

Nice, Amelie - ha! ha!


"For example, we do not have proof for the existence or non-existence of aliens, although proof does exist somewhere."

How can you prove the non-existence of aliens?

LOL, visit every planet.....Just kidding, you can't prove a negative.


Get thee some tissues...


Aieee! I can't side on which to use.

LOL I would suggest using both.

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