When did it first occur to you that religion was fake? When were you certain?
When I was 13. Baptists didn’t do a good job of convincing me. Became certain of it around 19 when I was in the Navy and traveled to many other countries and witnessed many other cultures that held completely different beliefs and were getting along just fine or even better without the Abrahamic god. It really helped to concrete my presumption that you believe what you believe based on where you’re born in the world and that noone has the “answer.”
In a AP biology class. When I started to notice that the world is well explained by science than by stories told by parents and priests. Once my skepticism started to kick in, I was compelled to research more. In about a month or so I was ready to call myself an athiest but since I couldn't prove 100% that there is no god, I'm an agnostic-athiest.
Stories on gods killing thier children and people and other children.at the age of 7. Killing is my greatest fear.
When I was about 8 and nothing in summer bible school my friends dragged me to made any sense when compared to reality.