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Do You know Your Ancestry?

I was wondering how many of us know about our Ancestry.
Whats in your family line? Have you ever tried a DNA service to discover what your ancestry consist of such as or 23 and me?

I pose this question because as Americans, we often forget that America is less than 300 years old, consisting of immigrants from all over the world.

I was fortunate to know my Ancestry Thanks to my parents.

My Mom was born in South India (hindu) and she is a mixture of Indian and Kenyan.

My Dad was born in Morocco (muslim) and he is a mixture of Arabic and Canadian.

I consider myself lucky because i have been to Morocco and visit my fathers birth place, and i have also visit my moms birth place in south india.

Please Share with me what your Ancestry consist of....

twshield 8 June 9

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Mostly northern European with German being the largest part with some Danish, English and Hollander thrown in the mix. We have people migrating to America in 1720. Dad liked to tell me that 5 of the 7 first ministers in the US are relatives. Yeah!


I am Irish, Scottish and English, with a drop of Norse thrown in.


Spanish on my dad's side and Spanish and indegineous on my mom's side


I don't know much of mine, but I plan on doing a DNA test soon. All I do know is on my mother's' side is Lakotah Sioux from my grandma 100% and grandpa is 100% German. Supposedly my father was a Scottish guy 100% but that's yet to be verified. I definitely want to know though, especially for hereditary health issues I could have or face on the future.


My ancestry comes from Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain and France, with a bit of Cherokee thrown in. Earlier, all ancestors come from Africa.

By the early 1850s all my ancestors were in the USA.

I have been to Wales to research my paternal line. I have also found relatives through DNA testing.


Come from a clan of Scottish reivers (English Border clan sheep stealers) so most branches of my family end with a noose.


Here's mine.


Yep. Sure do. Back to the 1100s on a few lines...


Yes, and it threw me for a loop....I knew where and how my West African roots came into play also the English, French but then I was stunned with the other genetic links to Native American, South/Southeast Asia and Iberia, Scandinavia...oh my ! Who is these little people, how did they arrive in Canada and the U.S.. My genetic material was traced back 1600s in the U.S.. I have names only from 1840s though...I had to deconstruct my original racial identity and incorporate these new findings...who were these people?

Maybe thats why I cry when hear "Oh DannyBoy"...5.3% Irish...a Black Leprechaun...oh my?????

@Theskeptic A Pygmy...not a dwarf.


Not fully.

But my actual last name is known in kentuck


Scottish and English on my mom's side, French and German on my father's side. 🙂

Betty Level 8 June 9, 2018

I am about 60% German and about 40% English/Irish/Scottish.


My sister did ours and it came back with ones we expected.
English, Irish, and Welch, but we thought surely German would be in there somewhere.
Our grandmother on dad's side spoke fluent German and we don't know where it came from. lol

@MarvelAnn yes genes don't lie...I did Ancestry, 23 and Me DNA test because I couldn't believe what these results was showing me...


My maternal side is German and the paternal side is Czech.


I wish I could use one of those services. My maternal grandmother is from Panama (black Hispanic). My maternal grandfather’s mother is Native American. I feel like it’s safe to assume most of my Ancestry is from Africa though.


Native Americans lived in the United States long before it was 'discovered'.

Indeed nevertheless it wasn't was invaded by illegal aliens. That rings a bell!


Yes. Hence my punctuation marks. I agree.


No idea. 23 And Me says, essentially, 'British, maybe Irish... fuckin I dunno, white?'


Papa- Danish viking, then Ostfriesland, with some Hugenots mixed in.
Papa had black hair and brilliant blue eyes. Opa (Grandpa) had red hair, red beard and blue eyes
Mama- Alsace-Lorraine and German - brown hair and blue eyes.
Four children, all blond or red haired , blue -eyed, except my brother. He was blond with green eyes. We always made fun of that.

Too poor to spend money on DNA test. I know I have Papa's line with all those auto-immune problems.


I am 99% ashkanazi Jewish. We had a genetic bottleneck in the year 800 of only 400 Jews,
so we are all related. At most, 30th cousins.

So I know peronally that I'm related to Houdini, Madalyn Albreight, Janet Reno, I look, sound, talk and think like Bernie Sanders, so he's obviously closely related, and I'm a wildhaired, fiddle playing, cat loving, somewhat autistic, unkept, scientist/engineer, just like Einstein. We are all related.

That showed up on my 23 & Me DNA results. I didn't realize what it meant, or the history behind the heritage. It was only a small percentage. Very small, 0.4% But I mentioned it to my older brother who loves history, and he told me all about it. He got his son the DNA test for Christmas and nothing came up...I think he was pleasantly surprised.


My father and mother were divorced when I was 2 and I never really knew him... and his parents died in the flu epidemic in the 20s, so I know nothing about them. My maternal grandmother was divorced so I never knew that grandfather either. I have little to go on with just my mother and grandmother.. but my genealogy report said that I'm basically eastern european and 70% ashkenazi jew. No surprises there, really.


Americans of English descent should not delve too much into their ancestry lest they learn that their ancestors were transported to the new world in lieu of being hung for some criminal offense.

Georgia was a penal colony like Australia. My French ancestors was planters. My English ancestors were planters, confederate soldiers and masons -friends with ole man pike. Brutal, patriarchs, that participated in human trafficking unless my poor Irish family who was apart of the indentured Georgia criminals.

@Honey4Oshun My grandfather was born in Georgia. He wasn't a criminal, but I wouldn't be surprised to find several in my lineage.


According to Genes For Good, I am 100% European. That aligns with the knowledge that I have ancestors who came to what became the United States from Scotland near the south end of Loch Ness, landing in North Carolina during the Jacobite Rising of 1715.

Meep70 Level 7 June 20, 2018

the only bit I know is that 'Good King Wenceslasses trusty page' has the same surname as me (french for a political bribe) There are only four people alive in England who have my surname.

jacpod Level 8 June 20, 2018

To the best of my knowledge, I am the product of two large Irish families from Harrisburg. Being adopted, I didn't know about my cultural heritage until I was in my twenties, but it's added some fascinating layers to my story. 🙂


No. I have no idea as to my genetic background. I was adopted and never cared about seeing or meeting my genetic parents. I have never cared about finding out. I have not done a genetic test. When my ex-wife was pregnant, we did have the complete amniocentesis performed as I was a genetic unknown. No issues or genetic with his genes.

xyz123 Level 7 June 14, 2018

My Scottish ancestors were responsible for taking the heart of Robert the Bruce to his homeland after he died in battle.

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