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Genuinely CREEPY! Was it to be technologically ahead of everyone? Or do they want to keep the dresses off of women in public?

Saudi Arabia follows Wahhabism. It's the law. It's ultra-conservative Islam, sort of like Puritanism. None of the Muslims I know follow it.


Proof that the religmoes have more than sense... Anyone got some marketing ideas? Someone needs to fleece these sheep.


OMG LMFAO!!!! That's off the chart CREEPY AF!!!!

Qualia Level 8 June 10, 2018

The clothes signify the hollow emptiness of the Saudi Regime..and their twisted vision.. that where possible women should neither be seen or heard.

You just won this thread.



I hope the prize isn't a trip to Saudi..they don't appreciate our sort of free thinking..or any sort actually.

@Hitchens An Indian friend's family lived and worked in Saudi for a few years so they could save money. His job was more or less to chaperone his wife and daughter around.

I was irritated when I found out that there's a hierarchy of wages... as I remember, Saudi's make the most, Europeans/people of European descent the next tier, and South Asians the third. I don't remember how other ethnic groups fit in, but I have a feeling that if you'are a Wahhabi, you go to the front of the line.

Even being lower on the economic totem pool, his wife (a dentist) still made more money in Saudi than at home in India.


They have a problem with women.


C'mon, there must be an underlying story or something amiss! They could not be making it this easy to laugh at them.

Seph Level 6 June 10, 2018

The underlying story is Wahhabism.


Noisy AF!


this is crazy... and they call this fashion?

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