I don’t know if this guy was just clowning or if he was serious, but I got a good laugh out of it. He’s one disappointed believer about the failed rapture!!! What will it take for people to understand that religion is phony, and a money making machine?
Who this Harold he's referring to ? Anyway, I think this is just theatre, he's 'bunging it on' Well I hope so. Surely no on one could be that stupid ? Could they ?
Harold Camping. He’s like some kind of Christian leader.
There were people in the past who gave up their homes and everything cause they was so certain God was coming back. They also threw their jobs away, too.
I have a book somewhere titled "When Prophecy Fails" by Leon Festinger. It makes for some very sad reading. Some people really 'paint themselves into a corner' with their blind faith and trust in some 'special' individual who predicts this or that event. It's actual a group of people who believed that the 'space brothers' were going to come and take them away as a reward for believing. And there was another such group in recent times which ended in a much more deadly way. They all took some sort of poison as they were told that was the only way for their 'spirits' to rise up to some sort of space ship and be taken away to Paradise.
@Skyfacer wow! That’s insane!
Slapped with a stupid stick.
Lmfao!! I guess God wasn’t doing too much talking to him to warn him about this false alarm about the rapture.
Sadly I have known people like him. People who just knew that god was coming back and passed up homes, jobs, alienated thenselvesfrom their families. All in the name if god. Some even made the same mistakes over and over again! In the 70's, 80's, & 90's! Then, you saw it again in 2000' 2012, stupid people do NOT learn! Same with this guy! This was, according to him the SECOND TIME he was fooled!
This is a bloody shame that people can really be this delusional. Jesus isn’t coming back because he can’t! You could still see in the video that he was defending God, though lol.
I have no sympathy for this idiot. It sounds like he was suckered twice. I wish he was an isolated incident, but there are too many half brained people like him in the world. Wake up and smell the coffee!
Lmfao! You can’t have sympathy for stupid! He was completely delusional to think Jesus was coming back and that he was going acsend off into Heaven. Freaking idiot!!! They’ll never learn that Jesus isn’t coming back!