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Do you have a tattoo?

Ok. So no doubt, some of you have seen another thread about tattoos....

As a result, I would like to conduct a poll, to determine where the position of the majority of our group.

Please vote. I am genuinely interested in seeing the results. If you do, could you please comment, indicating where it is/they are; can it be easily covered by shorts/short-sleeved shirt, or can be covered by trousers/skirt/long-sleeved shirt, or is it a face/neck/hand tattoo?

Thanks in advance for sharing. 🙂

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Kreig 7 Dec 25

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No. I never saw the point.


I got my first post divorce,and I've been considering a second for some time now. I think I have just decided when and why, it will be my present to me for my 60th birthday which is coming up rapidly.

me too


I have tattoos, branding, and scarification. They're not for everyone but I like them.


I have a space-themed sleeve near complete (more than in my photos). Eventually I'll do a sleeve on my left arm as well, with a different theme.

Marz Level 7 Dec 26, 2017

I literally have 55 skulls alone and am covered from the top of my head to my feet. some are crap, some I love and some I did myself and they all mean something to me. there like music you look at them and think of a time and place. no, i don't look at them all the time and yes they hurt some more than others and yes they are a personal choice on the only thing in this world that is actually yours. I'm a bloody good artist even if I say so myself. I don't eat children, I don't break the law any more than most if at all. I'm not a murdering rapist and no it doesn't even cross my mind if you haven't got a tattoo.

it's all them bones and high pitch screaming when you boil them


For the longest time I didn't understand why people would get tattoos and I didn't particularly like them but now I find them fascinating.

I never wanted one until a few years ago. I'm not sure if I'll ever get one but if I do I would like it to be a Scottish thistle on the inside of my forearm.

remember a tattoo is something you want not what you need so take your time and choose wisely

@LeighShelton at my age I'm not worried about regrets. I know what I want it's actually more a matter of finances at this point.

fare play I was just trying to give a bit of good advice x

No problem @LeighShelton, all good advice is considered! 🙂


latge beautiful phoenix on my shoulder 🙂. just one tattoo

Hi Kreig, thanks for asking 🙂


First tattoo I put on my back between my shoulder blades, just under my neck. Second is a band around my ankle. I chose those spots because they could be easily covered with clothes or made visible. I have been thinking about getting at least 2 more. A tribute tattoo for all 3 of my kids and because my youngest daughter is deaf, I'm thinking of getting one just for her. She wears a hearing aid and cochlear implant, if you put them together they form a heart. ???? I just can't decide where to put them on my body.

over your heart perhaps


I have three. Full back and both upper arms. Always thinking about more. I do love them. They were planned, and I consider them works of art. They have faded some, but that is part of aging as they are 40 years old. Can be covered with long sleeved shirt.


27+ hours. 75% visible with a T-shirt on.


Loved tattoos since I was really young...I have sleeves on both arms, and back is covered, but I manage a medical clinic so I wear long sleeves all year to cover them, and everywhere I attend business functions. 😀


I love tattoos. Can't wait to get more.


I'd never be stupid enough to say that tattoos indicate stupidity or criminality. That's not the issue. I quite simply think they look incredibly ugly.

me too


I have 3 and was due for my fourth in 2 weeks until I fell pregnant.
One on thigh, one on ribs and one on lower back. All are easy to hide for work job interviews. And I feel if I show them to people its because I like/trust them. They all have a special meaning to a part of my life


I have a tie dye Steal Your Face on my upper back and a list of sorts on the inside of my upper arm. The only regret I have is that I never get to see the back one myself 😉


I have over 150 hours. Lots of 80s cartoons and video games. I also have a hidden Waldo hahaha


I have 6 tattoos


I have one. Got it when I turned 37. It is significant to me. It is only visible when I'm wearing a swimsuit (left shoulder). If anyone wants to think I'm trashy for having it, that's on them. I did it for myself, what anyone else thinks of it, or me, is completely irrelevant. If anyone is going to judge someone else for their tattoo(s), without bothering to get to know the person, that's pretty much on par with believers thinking non-believers are bad people. It's just nonsense.


I love watching Ink Master and other tattoo shows. I enjoy it as an art form. But I don't want one myself.


I just got my 5th tattoo last Saturday.

I got matching tattoos with my siblings, it’s just a series of circles (1 for each of us) that are either shaded in or unshaded, and each persons unshaded circle corresponds to their birth order


I don‘t regret a single one! I love gorgeous ink on the body, tattoo artists are amazingly skilled artists!

One of four.


1 A Wolf and Raven


4- both shoulders,back and chest, all significant to me and proud of them, never a regret about getting them.


I have a small butterfly on my right ankle. I don’t regret it at all. I’d consider doing it again on the back shoulder.


I have a few tribal tattoos, but I think people tend to get to many tattoos and to me this does not look good


absolute piffle, i have a number of tattoos on my body both hidden and in view yet i have to kill or be killed in various missions so to protect people like you from cold hearted "religious" nuts so does that make me a criminal??? please sleep easy knowing that your country is awake and with a lot of tattoos still keeping you safely tucked up in your bed every night

read between the lines this was about 60 yrs ago but i never once felt like a criminal just doing my duty

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