I, as an atheist, would not say i am that i am depressured rather see the world for what it is without inserting fantasty into it. yes, fantasy is colorful . However , it is important to me that i can separate fantasy from reality. in my opinion, accepting reality is what makes me a human being.
At some point believer's fear of death will guarantee they will become depressed in spite the fact that those that belong to a religious community are less prone to suffer it less than those that don't.
We are social animals. If we are isolated we become anxious, depressed and self-destructive. Community and social support can come via friendships, work associations, clubs, political affiliations...all sorts of venues for social involvement.
There is some research on this and some good quality data.
Bearing in mind that correlation is not causation it's still sometimes an indicator of a link.
So,in the USofA,at least,the data demonstrates that in those states with the highest levels of religiosity there also exists the highest levels of anti-depressant usage.
And pornography usage.
Here is a link to a book detailing this and much more:
When you look at the countries rated the happiest, usually the nordic, scandinavian Finland, norway Denmark,Iceland Switzerland they really are the least religious. People turn to religion when things are going bad. Those same people could become worse when their prayers aren't answered
As an effect of being human, I doubt that group A (non-religious) versus group B (religious) has any significant difference in depression instances.
Perhaps depressed people are more likely to turn to a god in the hope of healing
Haven't you heard that ignorance is bliss?...lol
yes because we see the real world (The less you can make a make believe world the less happy the human.). ... Religion allows the believer to see a fake world.
@Hellbent Mom was a shrink. I'm a physicist.
They are. I have seen some studies. I don't know how accurate they are though.
We are more likely to attempt suicide too, especially in more religious areas. We are persecuted, isolated and ridiculed, thus leading to depression and suicide. I've suffered from depression for years. As a matter of fact I spent some of Christmas alone in a movie theater because my ex-wife decided that she would rather go to church with the neighbors, knowing that I refuse to go to the house of that ancient superstition
Probably. Because they're not wrapped in an opium delusion comfort blanket like theists are.
It seems unlikely to choose that you are in control of you life to a greater extent and still feel hopeless and anxiety over things you can (or maybe should) directly control for yourself. I would imagine that believing in a higher power might make you feel somewhat helpless in the way life unfolds.
I believe non believers can suffer from it as life can be overwhelming at times but it should not be as persistent believing you have more control over your path forward. I mean it may take drastic changes but for me it has always just been eliminating those people and ignoring the sources that create hopeless feelings. Re-introduce them later in controlled settings if you wish to fight that battle
Certainly plenty about the world is depressing enough everyone should feel it from time to time but simplifying your life and making it better in your particular environment should help.
...but what do I know
Depression runs in my family, religious & non alike.
I don't know that there is a correlation between religious/non-religious people and depression. I can only offer up that I'm an atheist and I suffer from severe depression. And some of it is caused by anxiety of living in a world where religion is so oppressive.