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When did you realize you were an atheist?

I was 14. My best friend died (suicide) and a few months later his mother came to visit my mother. She was talking about watching a movie and said that I might not want to hear what she has to say. (I'm still unsure why she said that) They had been watching ice age and halfway through heard a bell ring. They looked at each other to see if they all heard it which they did but then rewound back to that part just to hear it again and it wasn't there. She said it was when he got his wings. It was unsettling and put the nail in the coffin for me.

soulless 7 June 15

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I've never realised that I was Agnostic. Just had the same 'what is that all about mentality' Didn't realise it had a name. Then I had to ask why it had to be called anything. Always was a peculiar child!

Sorry, I hadn't seen your comment, and posted the same reply.


She's getting that from Capra's It's A Wonderful Life. Clarence says to James Stewart's character "when a bell rings an angel gets its wings". Could be many things happening here from a real message from 'the other side' (who knows), a psychotic experience (lets hope not) or just a lie (probable but can't comment as I don't the predisposition of the person)


That's not really a realization. You had a normative urge to have some semblance of atheistic norms, but atheism, in the least but necessary, is a mental process.


It came to me in a dream at about 6 months ?


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