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What political affiliation best describes you?

What political affiliation best describes your views in general?
Pick the best one and if you feel the need to elaborate do so in the comments.

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WillKincaid 4 Dec 26

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I taught government and political science on an undergraduate level for ten years...
Libertarianism is not classical liberalism.
Liberalism considers that all people are born free and it is up to the government to keep it that way.
Classical liberalism is an 18th-century doctrine that pursues personal liberty and the seeking of fortune that holds a government together.
Libertarianism hold that governing less is better government.
A Justice Democrat is one who puts the people's rights above that of corporations and is fairly a new term in politics. (See Citizens United, et al)

Additionally, there are at least eight other classifications of political preference that you seem to have forgotten, including Progressive and neoliberalism.

It is unfortunate that most people do not understand the terms as you present them.

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