#introspection #alookinthemirror
If everyone could have more empathy, courage, and resources; the world's problems could quickly be solved.
@SouthernHell We are close in thought.
Sex, drugs and Rock n' Roll!
I'm sure I wrote at the start of that?
Serious? The 3 letter word that is a perfectly acceptable term for our method of reproduction gets censored here? That word that begins with S, ends in X and has an E in the middle isn't offensive in any form! In fact it is included in the questions when joining this site!
Yes, not sure what's up but they are filtering a lot lately.
Haha! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
I'm glad that's resolved! They have a lot of word issues here, just sayin'
Oh, man, I love MadLibs!
sea cucumber, Tommy Lee Jones, Bees!?
Eh, that one's not very funny, tbh
I was thinking along those lines too.
Complete the following sentence: If everyone could have more Love, Compassion, and _Care; the world's problems could quickly be solved.
If everyone could have more Arsenic,Strychnine, and Cyanide; the world's problems could quickly be solved.
natural, sustainable energy, health, and building solutions. Hemp and cannabis covers most of that