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Why did you choose your username/avatar?

I always take note of user names in forums, many are either a real name or initials, but others may have interesting reasons, and I am interested if anyone cares to share. Mine is merely acknowledgement and acceptance of a crap childhood, I nearly didn't survive a couple of times due to either direct abuse or failure to receive medical attention following abuse and this is only the tip of the iceberg. So I use the identity, Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby the third, a fictional character claimed to be the only man who went through hell and came back alive.

Rugglesby 8 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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73 comments (51 - 73)

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Rey de reyes is an old nickname I have though I hahaven't been called by it for its original reason in like a decade. No I just use it as an easy to remember screen name.

227 is my birthday. February 27


Gipsy of the New Spain. Is my precise alter ego, I am not from here or there. I retired and sweared never to work again for a living. I am just not finding time or place for "rooting" anymore in a single place. Thinking of finding the Right Country for my Weary Bones. But the best laid out plans are always destroyed by Love and I am not exempt. I am just a Tourist on my Phase 3. In My Solo Act, I consult with the Man in the Mirror and Move On. The New Spain in this hemisphere was pretty large back in the days of Colonization. I am just making it My Playground.


because it's my first name/initial and my picture is of me.


Mine is my real name.


"Atheist" was taken and so I chose "Athos" because it's quite close.
Athos was one of the mythological giants who challenged the Greek gods.
Athos was one of The Three Musketeers in the book by Alexandre Dumas.
Athos is a short form of Athanasios meaning "without death" or "immortal".
I like the name.

Athos Level 5 June 23, 2018

I use the username Bakunin and the avatar photo of Mikhail Bakunin the famous anarchist.


My avatar is me, my username is because I've lived down the shore all my life.


Somebody else chose it for me. I rather liked it, so I kept it.


I use my real name . I couldnt care less if people know it or not. Strangely enough , my friends and colleagues from the fishing industry always called me Oz , probably because of my time there .


The name:
is in reference to my favorite children's book "Alexander and the Magic Mouse" A charming book where a feared and ostracised crocodile, at great personal expense saves the people of a town filled with those who largely fear him, in his dire efforts to warn the townspeople of a disastrous flood, he become mortally ill and is saved by a magic mouse who feeds him a magic cookie and saves his life. As I do not anticipate a magic cookie to save me for acts of altruism, I choose nomagiccookie.

The photo:
I am standing in front of my projection screen. The green image is a test pattern used to align the anamorphic lens. You can't see my feet because three levels of elevated seating draped in black are between the camera and screen.


John Lennon's Imagine seemed like a good place to pick a username from. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't taken!

1 amalgam of yyz (Rush!) and Zzyzx Rd on the way to Vegas. 🙂


My name is Matthew, I’m a dad, and born in 1971. I used to use metricmuse for two bands I love: Metric and Muse (older Muse anyway).


I chose my user name because it's part of my old cb handle I had back in the day when phones were very expensive and long distance wasn't cheap. Moon being part of my astrology sign. Always like the moon and it just fits well together.


Waiting to see if my generic Avatar is worth replacing … heck, I’ve not even done a profile, assuming most will soon know more about me than they’d care to 🙂 The name’s not mine, only family would ‘get it.’

Varn Level 8 Dec 27, 2017

It's a stage name that came from a flub that one of my band leaders made. He always called me the big Mack on stage but one time he stumbled saying Bone Man Mack on the Trombone so I bought the url a week later and now I use it everywhere. As far as my picture goes it's the only one I have that shows my face.


My true foto, name and first two letters of my surname.


I use my actual first name,middle initial,and and Double first initials of my last name


I chose the name I have always used wherever it wasn't already taken.


I dunno... liked the dualism I guess. Fun little contradiction. I don't have an image... cause I haven't found or made something I like yet.


It's my 'clever play on the Latin word for truth, veritas.


my username is my hebrew name. i identify strongly with my hebrew name.



No special reason, just liked it.

marga Level 7 Mar 6, 2018
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