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Which books in the Christian Bible do you think contain the largest amount of nonsense?

Which books in the Christian Bible do you think contain the highest amount of ridiculous claims, things that have been scientifically proven to be wrong or impossible, or just outright nonsensical?

omgwowsocool 6 Dec 27

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All of them. It is all crap. Archaelogy doesn't support much of anything in the Old Testament, because the stories are rehashed from older sources like The Epic of Gilgamesh.

The New Testament was fabricated. Starting with the Council of Nicea, bits and pieces were carefully (or haphazardly) chosen by the Roman government as a way to control their citizens, and it still works, centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire. The word, catholic (note all lowercase) means universal. The Catholic faith was the universal religion sanctioned by the Roman government.

It is ALL crap.

This is a good summary of the history: []


Wow! I see Revelations is the most popular choice! Honestly, when I was a kid, I found the book of Revelations to be the most fascinating of All the books!

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 11, 2018

Revelations. lol

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 11, 2018

I was going to say "Revelations", but then I realized it's ALL nonsense and I couldn't single just one book out and ignore all the others. I believe in inclusiveness.


The Christian bible is mainly myth and superstition


King James 1st!!! lol


Genesis. Both versions of the creation given were taken from other sources and have been shown to be scientifically inaccurate, yet creationist Christians continue to cling to their infallibility, leading to the great ignorance found today.


From beginning to end just flimflamery


The entire King James Bible was ALTERED and MIS TRANSLATED via
the ORIGINAL Aramaic actually


Song of Solomon and Revelations.

Cwen Level 4 Dec 27, 2017
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