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The consequence of ignorance is Trump.

Dale 4 Dec 27

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He's a disaster for our country.


And there are many more of them out there. Beware!

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 4, 2018

President Donald Trump is not the consequence of ignorance. This person was elected to the presidency based o the notion that white power was being diminished in everyday Amerikkka and those folks who felt this way sought to do what they felt to make sure it would not.

This person was elected by folk who were conscious in their actions.

Being conscious of their actions does not preclude ignorance. In fact I would say it is the total opposite, for it is the most ignorant that proclaim their way of life and belief systems are the right ones with the most fervour. I perceive Trump supporters in 2 camps. There are the poorly educated with little income and the wealthy self servers both of whom are totally ignorant of the real world in many instances.


Trump is an idiot. He just signed a tax plan just like the one they had in kansas a few years ago, which crashed their local economy and bankrupted the state.

I'll wait until the coming economic crash before investing anything anywhere. My friends who own real estate are selling it all off, and those who have investments are tryign to figure out where to move their money to not lose most of it.


Totally agree- I have made numerous posts on the very subject. They are all under the Politics category.Feel free to check them out.


That statement is too simplistic. Trump is due to the culture of greed, ignorance, ethnocentrism, misinformation systems (like Fox News and the Russian misinformation campaigns), the Republican party's loss of a moral core, and the staleness of Hillary and her campaign.

All true but sorry, that lot does not fit into a media bite.

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