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Why label ourselves as heathens?

I suppose it was a gradual evolution of sarcasm and secular labels, but I think we are intelligent and unique enough to come up with a more fitting terminology to describe ourselves as being non-religious. I am open to suggestions. I will personally do more research on this for the time being.

Monty35792 4 June 19

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I don't, but welcome it, It is just a word and only has the emotional/psychological impact that you allow it to.


In Ireland, taking yourself too seriously is a major social faux pas. if a believer or non believer calls me a heathen, it's in pretty much the same tone - jocular and accepting. Terms like Holy Joe, God botherer and Jesus freak are widely used by believers and nonbelievers alike. They are far more negatively charged than heathen.

However, even liberal believers practically spit out the word atheist, before launching into an inevitable tirade about Dawkins. A posh and abrasive Englishman who calls his people brights raises the ire of many people living in a former colony. On an emotional level, I see where they or coming from. That said, I agree with most of what Dawkins has to say. His demeanour makes him hard to defend.

Heathen was once the more negatively charged word. Atheist is now. Language evolves.


How about goid old fashion "Pagan" There's a rich history behind this word.

t1nick Level 8 June 22, 2018

Right now Pagan is used to specify a belief system in which one prays to mother nature and/or gods of the elements from various mythologies.

@Monty35792 Pagan comes from paganus, Latin for country folk. Early Christians used the word as a pejorative term for the practitioners of local religions and any polytheists that they encountered


Why not? It's fun being a heathen. And the rest of the world can piss off.


I call myself human...

Yeah, lol, that too.


Freethinkers, Brights and Zorpquas.
Freethinkers is an already recognized term that I failed to consider. That is essentially the answer to my question!


I am a principled human being. Screw labels!

I like that label.... 🙂

Thats actually the best answer now! We could do without labels.


I use the term heathen or apostate when speaking with other atheists/agnostics who were raised in religious families. We make fun of the fact that our families and former friends call us names and tell us we’re going to hell.


This is all very good input! I like where this is going.
Zorphquas! Sounds good to me!


Actually, a heathen originally referred to persons who live on the heath. I infer that to mean persons who follow a folk religion i.e., pagans. Not really the same thing as an agnostic/atheist. Its more of a pejorative label used by Christians to refer to unconverted persons. I prefer infidel personally.

Yes it is the christian widely accepted term for infidel, I don't think we should refer to each other as infidels! lol

Godless barbarian?

Ha, while closer to the truth, I don't think thats fair for the technologically advanced compassionate ones, like me.

Barbarian just means outsider.


It's my understanding that heathenism is the philosophical concept that the greatest good is achieved through the pursuit of personal pleasure and happiness. while I do not have object to a secularist taking this label for them self it's only sometimes appropriate. That having been said if it's appropriate for you I'm up for Dating LOL.


I prefer free thinkers. The heathen term is to own it take the sting out of like the african amaericans do with the N word. They also say we eat babies. Far from the truth but some joke about as in satire to show stupid for them to say that crap! You ever try to reason with religious people they call you sinners and crap like that


I have always thought it was a joke

Simon1 Level 7 June 19, 2018
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