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Ever visit a Christian propaganda site ?

  • 7 votes
  • 10 votes
musicman2803 6 June 20

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I don't heckle much, but it is interesting to see lies and fallacies galore.


Sometimes, usually just to see if they are softening their positions on certain issues. I am almost always disappointed.

Katrik Level 7 June 20, 2018

Those, along with McDonalds and pits filled with scorpions, are places I feel no desire at all to visit.

Jnei Level 8 June 20, 2018

I can go to church without suffering.


Usually not on purpose. Most I run across is from a web search. However, there is this guy on FB that shows up as a sponsored post. Most of the time I try to scroll past, sometimes I have to reply. He promotes religous and political propaganda. I post on there from time to time. Some like it. Others (most) call me names. I point out facts! With links! Not really anyone pays attention. What's even worse is he recycles the same propaganda multiple times! I point out that he has posted the same article 3+ times. Come on! At least come up with new propaganda! Be original!

But I would not call that heckling.


I like to take a look sometimes so I can be prepared in case there is some new ridiculous argument or trend that might affect me.


I dint really heckle, but have accidentally ended up on one, scary stuff

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