as this site is advertised on FB has anyone run into a rouge religious person yet making waves? I figured this would be a hot bed of triggered snowflake bigots lol happy to have not seen one post like that. you all seem like a lively fun bunch, not much for dating for me as no one in ohio is really on this site, but the conversation so far has been great. met lots of good people so far.
It's great to make friends mate and share thoughts in the middle of the night with like minded individuals. Welcome!!
Thank you!! and for sure!
On their sponsored ad on fb, there were religious people bashing the site and everyone and complaining about an atheist site popping on their feed. I got into an argument with one of them and argued with emotion instead of reason so I ended up blocking her and kinda sounding stupid. But I was right. I told her she could just scroll past, why comment? My therapist asked me why did I respond back to her.. she is right! Why did I? Probably to piss her off. But, I pointed out that we have to put up with your religious bullshit everywhere we turn, why can't she just keep her mouth shut and let us have our place! She was so angry. I told her I hoped she died. So, I think the site just has really good admins that keep people from coming and being asses.
right thats why im starting to like this site alot non of that FB bs with religious people its a breath of fresh air for sure.
I think the fb algorithms point ads to select people. Trumpians probably get ads to farmers only.
Thank goodness lol
Yes fb and YouTube tends to feed people with more of the same and that's an issue for all of us should be more aware of.
I have a very old mate who I have realised is a racist. I've known him for years and it's only in this current climate that his old fashioned 'British is best ' attitude seems to have translated into full on racism.
And that's down to social media but also standard media which since Brexit seems to have gone full on fascist in parts.
It's distressing because the man has no family and few friends.
I'm not even a Christian but I invite him over at Xmas every year so he isn't alone. Lol more Christian than many Christians when you think about it !!
And he is a long time atheist btw so it goes to show you that being an atheist doesn't mean that you can't be an ass hole in other respects.