All through my growing up I was told to make goals in order to direct my life the way I wanted. For variosu reasons, that has never actually worked for me, but I was curious how it has worked for other people.
Not entirely true, I've never considered them goals, but they could be I guess. Whatever I can do is on my bucket list of life.
My dad told me I shouldn't go to college, and he wasn't going to help pay for it. OK, it was late 70s and my dad was not the brightest of the bunch. So I joined the Army and got the hell out of that small town. After I was in a few years I married another soldier and became chief logistics officer for the family. When I realized I needed to end that marriage I got an Associate's degree in HIM, and was prepared to enter the workforce and the economy tanked. Yeah, life did not work out how I planned, but I became adept at surviving.
Yeah, despite losing vision where I could not get a job, and nobody willing to hire a guy who was going blind, I did become very good at surviving too. Unfortunately it has been a very frugal survival.
I'm often asked during job interviews, "where I see myself in five years." My response is: "Alone on the couch in my underwear, eating Bon Bons while watching reruns of Friends."
LOL... For me it woudl be going on bike rides, day hikes and skinny dipping in the woods... and on rainy days sittign at home in front of a fire with a cat purring on my lap and a cup of hot coffee to sip.
Oh hell, I've been watching reruns of Friends on the sofa with the cat, but fully dressed (it is winter and the family room is in the basement and it is cold!!) and eating whatever I carried down with me, not usually bon bons. I'm not sure if I have achieved Nirvana or rock bottom.
you got to lose to win.
I'll choose to interpret that as "You learn a lot more from your mistakes than your successes".
I have done fairly well by my own reckoning. My problem was that I could always think of 10 times more stuff I wanted to do that I actually had time to do. That has resulted in many unfinished projects. A lot of the things I started just to see if I could do them. When I got far enough along that I knew that I could, they got set aside for something new.
Sounds like you were motivated by the challenges involved rather than finishing.
In College, I learned about "senioritis", which is when graduatign seniors start to lose interest in the work. Part of it is that they are afriad to head out into the world, but I think par of it is also that they no longer feel challenged and the reaminig work is more "busy work" than it is interesting or challenging. For me collee3 was fun adn interesting... righ tuntl I got to those last few credits, where the work didn't teach me anything new and ws just tedious and labor intensive... or just plain boring.
Anyway, I think tht is why peopel start projects and dont' finish them, because the last little bit is tedious and boring, and their mind wants to be challenged.
Yep. That's about it.
My Goal was Simple and Very Specific.... "Make it to Retirement Age" and I Did!!!!! So I Retired for a 2nd time. 3 Pension Checks. No Roots to force me to keep the damn zip code number.... The Rest is Gravy to Me. Has no desire or interest on the accumulation of things I can not take away with me when I cross over to the other side. Spent My Money, Have Fun... Off the Reservation until my Gig Is Up. No more Master... No need for Slave. I am good at entertaining myself with little and my truckload of moments and experiences is my Reward!!!! 'Sorry if my plans run afoul with your plans.
@IndySent you have no idea sister. while my 20 years in the Navy lived in 3 European countries when it was Kool to be American. I had seen Better. No Regrets. I envy you... been to Norway on North Atlantic Cruise, had friends all over Scandinavia back in the days of living in Crete, they all came down for the Holidays. You Live in a Great Country. I Wish You The Very Best In 2018.
It took me a long time to decide what goals I wanted but after I knew what I wanted and I was capable, I worked hard and was persistent. Now I'm making new goals, gotta keep growing, right?
As I replied in another comment. I do nto think it is wise to make life goals too soon, before you have a sense of identity and an idea of you rlife's direction. Soulds liek you did it right.
I had goals and plans as a teenager, I got so far with them then it all fell apart! After a couple of years I had new goals and plans and, so far, they are working out reasonably well.
I think the whoel concept of having teenagers make life long goals and plans, when they are still tryign to figure out who they are and their place in the world, is mostly pointless.
If a person is expected to make life long goals, wait until they have finished theri general ed requirements in college... at least, so they have soem essence fo their own identity and an idea of a life direction that interests them.
Sometimes your goals can get mixed up with what your parents say you should aspire to only to find out after they're gone this is not what you really wanted it all. It's what they wanted.
Yeah. All growing up in the Mormon religion, I thought I wanted to get married and hve a large family. However, I came to realize that was what others wanted for me. When I thought about it, I really didn't and don't like little kids at all... and I also cme to realize I'm gay.
Religious indoctrination can really confuse you and mess you up, especially if it is family or your prents who are doing the indoctrination.
I'm still young and I have goals, I am getting close to being able to achieve some of them or taking steps getting closer to the goal, but life seems to be knocking me down a lot. I keep pushing though!
I never made goals in terms of positions that I might want to hold, but in in positions I held, I looked for problems and needs and made goals of creating programs that were needed to make a difference. That was my pattern. I would create a new program, make it work, then get a little bored and look for a new problem or need, and repeat the process. during that period, I made a difference and had a ball doing it.
Yes in sales you are constantly setting goals-I stayed at each major consumer goods company until they were bought by another company, went broker, or leveraged salaries and laid top earners off. I left my last company due to illness. Even though I had achieved success -being #1 Sales Rep internationally for Gund, Inc.a few years later I was disabled and financially barely getting by.
I sometimes feel like the ball in a pin-ball game. Going for a end-point only to get knocked off the path.
I've had both happen. Certain goals I set and reached, with many not being all that once I obtained them. Other events happened without any goal setting, and then life got in the way of other plans. It's been a rather mixed bag for me. I tend to set those goals that require setting, then grab on and enjoy the ride.
Life happens. I had to end one career path due to a work injury. Than I was retrained and a few months after working in the computer field, I started to lose vision and am now legally blind. Goals never helped me, Life as it happened just got in the way.
Same as it happened got in the way...