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GOP's love of Jesus real?

How much cognitive dissonance does the GOP have?

SeamusMcGaffcik 5 Dec 28

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The Party of Jesus, AKA, the GOP, have nothing but contempt for Jesus. We know this by the way they talk about poor people, health care, and those who suffer in the United States. HOWEVER, Christ, the antisemitic Hellenistic deity created by Paul is very popular among the GOP.


NO. The GOP loves money.


The GOP's love of a group that believes without any evidence is real. I feel bad for the hardcore religious in this country. The GOP promises them the world and all they get is token gestures at best. I am glad that is the case as it would lead to a nightmarish theocracy if they actually fallowed through with their promises. But with that mindless backing, the GOP has been able to advance their agenda with impunity.


In fact, the GOP would be the first in line yelling, "Crucify HIM... Crucify HIM!"


No - more like the love of money in god's name .

Like Joel Osteen ...


Religion is not real, it's all fairytales. It is my theory that the highly educated do "not" believe", they use and abuse and will spin the fairytales to their advantage. This applies to the super wealthy, government politician, and high ranking religious leader as they work in tandem to control, manipulate, use, and abuse for the sake of power in the service of greed. They truly believe they are superior to the rest of society.

Keeping the masses desperate also keeps them hoping for a savior. It is a vicious cycle.

That's my 2 cents worth and I'm sticking to it. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

The GOP adopted 'Jesus' language because it provided an inroad to a demographic that was naive and blindly trusting. That's it in a nutshell. A demographic which honors authority figures without questioning them. If you need evidence, look no further than POTUS45. If ever anyone was using the religious right to their own advantage, it's DJT.

Well put.


Only out of the necessity for the voting populous. What is more comical is the love the Jesus-freaks have for the GOP. The orangutan currently in office hasn't seen the inside of a church since his last wedding and all the religious right slobber over him like he is right hand of GOD.


No, their love of authoritarians is very real. If they call that "Jesus" then they call it Jesus but it isn't anything like the Jesus I knew when I was a kid in Sunday school. While agnostic, leaning atheist, I'm not bashing religion here. I'm bashing republicans. I grew up to a Jesus who loved others and helped the poor. This is not something Republicans are capable of realizing.

In my life the Republicans have become a party who's rank and file never questions what you are told. Particularly if it might offend their corporate overlords. The controllers of the party ARE those same corporate overlords.


who knows? Republicans have been good liars so far.


Jesus was, if you actually read the Bible, a real dickhead. He was the ultimate "Do as I preach, not as do" teacher.


No. They simply want the political support which enables them to rule.


Their love of Republican Jesus is real.


The GOP is opportunistic; there is no person, belief, or opportunity that they won't exploit if they can, authenticity be damned!


Real to the voters and useful to the politicians. For the most part.


Well, they love someone they call Jesus, but he is not the Jesus of the Bible as I know it.

It takes some ignoring and/or cherry picking of the supposed Jesus sayings that are attributed to him to have a big like of "him".
With much of reading and as some have said: I would follow more of Confucius' teachings/sayings than those ascribed to Jesus.

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