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LINK Skeptic's Annotated Quran

I've been reading some of the Skeptics Annotated Quran recently, and I have to say, the more I read, the less respect I have for the book. It seems intolerant, violent, patriarchal, primitive, divisive... I could go on. What are others' opinions of it, are there any parts which have some redeeming features such as being spiritually inspiring?

Denker 7 June 21

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/ sarcasm font / Thanks for that link.. /sarcasm font/ .. now I'm tempted to try and read it again ??

I tried... I skipped through a few parts but it has this nasty habit of continually threatening unbelievers with fiery hells. Not the most cheerful or spiritual tract ever written, I have to say.


Yes, I like the work of that sight. I have read both the Bible and Quran things on it.

I also liked it, it’s nice to have it properly explained to you what some of these word usages really meant.


Worse then the bible for me..(ie crazier) but a lot of that is likely my upbringing..

I guess some of the, how to behave in society stuff made sense, like how to treat your enemy, how to look after your family, but it was so male centric it was impossible to grok even a bit..
So many times I remember getting a gleam of "ok this is why they follow it", but then immediately would read on and think omg! These people are fucked if they honestly think this makes sense! Lol


How can you believe that your prophet flew to heaven on a winged horse? That makes the book as stupid as the bible.


The problem with the Quran is's incredibly long and borrrrrring. AND...the sweet, loving, peaceful parts are all at the beginning. So, most readers never get to those HADITHS OF HORROR! That's why you hear people sappily claiming that "Islam is the religion of peeeeeeeeace." NOPE! Read it from back to front.


As with all religious texts it is necessary to take them in the context which they were written, i.e. time, location, prevailing political/social conditions. The mistake that seems to be made wholesale where religions are concerned is transporting a text to a different cultural milieu and expecting it to fit. Also bear in mind that Hadith or commentaries on the Qur'an, are the sources used for the laws and social guidance. Hadith of course are flexible texts as they are not deemed to be the word of Allah. Hadith is much like Midrash in Judaism.

Much appreciated, thank you.

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