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For me the journey has been, for short, like this.

I was raised into a catholic family, attended parochial school for a few years, and did the Sunday school and cathecism, and other rituals associated with Catholicism until the age of 12.

I attended funerals and weddings and baptisms after that until the age of 16 when I read the satanic bible just to understand what the polar opposite I was being "protected" from for so many years. I was able to piece together that all other man-made gods were the same as christianity's god and so I let faith in faith go.

I left it alone for nearly a decade and just picked up historical pieces here and there for that time. I allowed my children to know about local religions and mine but I never forced them into strict religious doctrine.

Over the past decade I have made the effort to research the history of christianity and all schism of each division.

Because they all demand a label, I label myself an anti-theist because the god/s and bible/s used my man are not necessary for all that I see, feel, and experience.

My life has never been as satisfying as it has been letting go of the delusions. Thankfully all three of my children reject the delusions and will likely help their children see through the superstitions.

Buketoballs43 5 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice intro... I'm the black sheep.... I don't like religion of any kind. I beleive 1% that there may be a god out there. That's it. Welcome to your forum. You can make a difference.


Welcome to the group. How is it being non religious in small town conservative Kansas?

I find that I must not be alone. I have begun the process of starting an Atheist/Anti-theist club with a fulltime Instructor at the Community College were both work for. It has the support of the Vice President of Academics as well, I expect some criticism when we present this club in the Spring 2018 semester.


welcome to the group

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