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LINK Atheists Win Final Judgment Against TX Gov. Who Censored Their Holiday Display – Friendly Atheist

Another great court victory for the FFRF in Texas.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has officially won a major lawsuit against the state of Texas.

They actually won the case back in October, but additional challenges came up. The new decision marks an official end to the case… at least at this level.

To understand what’s going on, you have to know that the Texas State Capitol has an open forum for holiday displays. So here’s what FFRF put up in December of 2015 to counter a Nativity scene in the same space.

Lukian 8 June 21

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wow they must be mad! That is a beautiful display!

jacpod Level 8 June 22, 2018

seems to me Christmas is more important than real Patriotism (and the admiring the Constitution)


They tried to ban that?

Crikey! Their faith must be so shaky - bordering on insanity.

Belief in religion is a delusion. At the minimum it shows ignorance.



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