With all the talk of Porn Stars, Playmates and payoff's, I Totally forgot This Woman Existed!
She came to the boarder with the words ...who cares.... on the back of her coat.
I saw it. And it was obviously purposeful.
Either that or she's the most obtuse person on the planet.
Nothing Trump and anyone in his camp does or says surprises me. It does however scare the shit out of me. Especially when he creates a shitstorm daily and his fans applaud and cheer.
She has quite a pin up collection of her own. I'm sure she is on many a G.I.'s locker with nothing but a smile on. She was brought an paid for as were many of his others. 45 likes quantity in numbers so I doubt that their is any meaning into this agreement other than the son which makes it look normal.
She's a hell of a lot smarter than her husband. She also seems to have at least some semblance of a conscience.
But more than anything, I give her mad props for being Trump's lady of the evening on retainer. It can't be easy screwing that troll every single night to ensure that your family back home has the opportunity to live above the poverty line.
Haaaahahahaha.... She's down there doing the right thing, trying to get it right and you folks just can't stand it.. Talk about passive aggressive.. She's giving all YOU hater idiots out there the finger and l love it.
I pity her in so many ways...
I don't believe she is a bad person..but she has made some epic errors thus far..not just bad decisions like marrying Trump..but staying married to him..
Either she is an abysmal judge of character..or she has a cunning master plan..or both. Wearing that coat was not I believe an attempt at a sarcastic statement against the media..as Trump insists..no I think it was purchased like that..and is an unfortunate coincidence that she happened to be wearing it today.
You can find her on Pornhub.
If she had married any other rich guy, I would say she had a little taste...
I wonder if she's sincere after the coat she wore.
There is no wonder, seriously. That is such a blatant passive aggressive bullshiit move.
You hit the nail on the head. It's spineless passive aggressive behaviour. I wonder if deep down she feels nothing but contempt.