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Wouldn't it be nice if our president respected science?

sassygirl3869 9 Dec 29

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In a perfect world everyone respected science. In a perfect world our president wouldn't be president.

My very words.


That would take a minimal level of understanding first. He's not capable of that.


Yes, it would.


More and more real science will be and is being done outside of this country. We will experience a reverse brain drain.


Im quite certain he can not. He's not human. He has no brain.


He'd have to dig his head out of his own ass to be able to do that.


Yep, it's a bummer this guy is our president. Not only does he need to acknowledge science, but woman, the office in which he now holds, and the truth!


Maybe if he could read past the 5th grade level he would see the scientific evidence and understand what he's doing to the world. But he's all about the almighty dollar and making himself and his rich Bastard friends all the money he can.


I'm trying to figure out if his animosity is borne out of his support among certain energy companies or part of a deeper strain of anti-intellectualism from his supporters and policy team (the Bannon/Religious right base).


The more he opens his mouth the more he proves his stupidity.

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