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Police support

How are we to support our police when they are making so many deadly mistakes. I served in the Marines so I am aware of how one feels when their life may be in danger and need to make a split second decision however, many of these shootings are of unarmed or poorly armed individuals. Individuals being killed for a traffic stop does not seem reasonable unless they have a knife or gun or choose to strike an officer and then only if they are really threating the officer life.A shot in the air might save a man's life.

I fully support my police because I know that the job they do does place their lives in danger every day. I applaud their efforts to keep me and my family safe. However human life is so valuable that I just ask that they consider the crime and if it is worth a man's life!

Marine 8 Dec 29

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I agree with you 100% as a veteran myself there's a lot going down that doesn't seem right between any government officials that is supposed to be serving to protect as well as make sure that the person isn't a threat to them or anyone else. In my 72 going on 73 years of being around I have seen both good and bad in the police as well as other law enforcement field like the sheriff department, CIA and many other agencies. I hope that our governments around the world can bring a stop to all this miss use of the badge so less killing and more proper arrest happen.

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