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Doggy names

PickledRick 8 June 23

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My girl is Misty, the shelter had named her Gypsy, but it didn't quite fit so I held off, she was only at the pound for 2 days because she had been mistreated and was going to be put down rather than re-homed. Me and a dog living in a swamp, she would walk around the camp of an evening and was hard to see, her colouring matched that of the mists rolling in at dusk. So Misty it is.


My wife named our dog Toby, after we got him from the shelter, after a character in a book we had been reading with the kids. My dog Joe, was abandoned by someone who had named him Cujo. I didn't want a dog named Cujo, and I shortened it to Joe, which he recognized, and also my best friend for life had a German Shepherd named Joe when we were boys, so it seemed appropriate.


Turk and Buddy both came to me as rescues with names. They passed away sometime ago and I really miss them.

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