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Does the lack of beleif in an afterlife bring you fear or comfort?

I find some peace in knowing that it will all be over at some point but it does feel a bit disappointing knowing that I shall eventually totally cease to exist.

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RoboGraham 8 Dec 30

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When I'm gone, I want to stay gone. Nonexistence is a worthy aspiration, I think.


I am dead ....lights not not feel comfort....


Comfort. Its much better than fearing an eternal damnation or some other silly shit...


I wouldn't call it fear, but I do think it's a bummer that I won't be able to experience the future. I'm so curious about it! I really wish I could be a ghost and observe everything.

I'm hoping I can manage to live long enough for technology to improve to point that my mind can be downloaded and after my physical body and dead and gone, I can continue to read the news and enjoy all the entertainment that the future will bring. I want to see what happens!

I do not like to kill anything. (The mice have chewed the water pipes till they leak) carlyhorton maybe you will be one of the mice that are killed in mouse traps.

@Diogenes I don't understand what you're trying to say.

@carlyhorton Hi, sorry I did not make myself clear. My point was, if there is a life after death' we may come back as anything- and that includes something as 'insignificant' as a bug or mouse.----And have an interesting 2018

@Diogenes Ah, I see 🙂 I'm not interested in being reincarnated, I'd just like to haunt around like Casper the friendly ghost. Well, maybe not friendly ALL the time. I might enjoy freaking the sh!t out of some people.

@carlyhorton Ya, LOL. But Nature has never sent any messengers to tell us what this puzzle is about- so all options are open- maybe we just "fade to black" too.

@Diogenes Just to be clear, I don't believe in any kind of life after death. I think that when I die, I will cease to exist, and there's nothing more. But while I think that's reality, I do think it's a bummer. It would be comforting to think that I could experience the future in some way, but I don't think I can.

@carlyhorton, first and foremost, thanks for the conversation- and have a productive 2018.
I can not claim to know that which is 'unknowable'- even by people much smarter than me. (It wouldn't be hard to be smarter than me) A question: most of us have had a pet, if being a dog is the current life, what was the dog in the former life? There are smart, brave and loyal dogs, who live more worthwhile lives than many humans, why are they dogs?

@RoboGraham and if you got your wish- I don't see much so-called "enjoyment" without a body. Might be a good idea to be careful about what you wish.


Comfort. It would be hard for me to feel anything if there is just nothingness. It’ll be just like how I was before I was born.


If the end is the end, there is nothing to fear afterward.


It doesn't really 'bring me' anything - it's no great factor in my thoughts.


My DNA will carry on, I have kids and now grandkids. I will leave a legacy for them, there will be stuff around for decades that SamSam and those yet to come will say "oh Grammy made this for me." That gives me comfort, that is my afterlife.


Neither, I am not afraid to die but not because I believe in an afterlife but because I have accepted long ago that no of us will live forever. We will all die at some point so just slip on your big boy, or girl, pants and enjoy your life.


I will say neither. It does light a fire under my ass to enjoy my time here.


I'm reassured by the fact that the atoms that make up my body will never die. I'll just be absorbed into something else.


My lack of belief in Santa doesn’t bring me fear,comfort or presents, but decades ago, my belief in Santa still didn’t bring me gifts. My friends and family have always been my source of comfort and gifts and often my source of fear(in the form of worry for them). So I guess I’m this regard, Death is like Santa 😉 lol


It brings me comfort, makes life much better when you live your life in your own way instead of living every day of your life worried about whether you are going to heaven or hell. It's just a ride, enjoy it.


No , Neither to the question .We revert to what we were before we were born -Non existence .Our bodies will become recycled matter in the universe ,so in other words the matter making up your body will always exist just in another form


I am not comforted nor do I fear it. As Mark Twain said, I have been dead for billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”


All of us must realize "afterlife" is a human thought, The atoms making up our body organization are 14 billion years old and will never "not exist" NEVER. Presently we live with the molecular construction and family our atoms have configured into. When the body dies the atoms move along the way into another existence. All life is real without time,

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 30, 2017

My afterlife is called reincarnation what ur pastlife like. We carry our inner most feelings when we are reborn so who are you means more that what are you.


A person can "fear" death all they wish to--- but it isn't going to make any difference in what takes place. It is beyond our control. There are many possibilities and one of the options may be is that it may be 'pleasant'- and NO, I am not being morose. Of course it would not be pleasant to end up in some La la Land with all the nutters.


hmm an eternity of watering the pot plants, playing the harp, talking to God, enough to make you want to slit your wrists.
I believe in life after death, just not mine. Other humans will exist for a while longer, other species longer still. This is me, this is my life, one sweet moment of eternity that is mine. Death is an inevitable consequence of living, I don't read anything more into it than that, for me there is only life, only this one life made up of lots of moments I should make the most of. I d believe in the concepts of heaven and hell, but that is for another day.


Fuck that shit sounds like a terrible idea for ever with 50 billion other humans plus whatever animals go over the rainfuckingbow bridge. Sounds like a punishment to me


While I believe their is nothing we experience after brain death, I know that there is still cell death and decomposition. So, while there is an ‘after life’, I also take comfort in an ending.


It's definitely comforting to me - knowing (or hoping - I don't think there's an afterlife, but I can never know that for certain) that one day my consciousness will simply switch off and I will no longer exist is a deeply reassuring thought.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

There is comfort in the idea nothingness, in stillness.


It appears most think of death as the end of something. Comfort, being etc. When one goes under anesthesia, all time ceases to exist, Your body in cut open and altered. You wake up 4 hours later and have no idea of what happened the last four hours Death is totally dependant on the awareness of time.

If one believes in eternity, then one realizes that state has no time. There are no events as there is no time to allow them to happen and be recognized. this is what the energy really is.

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 30, 2017

I am 99.99% sure that there isn't an afterlife. That being the case for me, it frees me up to live the best life I can. Enjoy every day and do good things and avoid evil. It also allows me to truly experience life here knowing I probably will never come this way again. I am not waiting for the possibility of a better place I am enjoying the one I have.

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