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Are you live and let live, confrontational when it comes to the unsubstantiated, or a circumstantial antitheist (only when people try to force what they believe on everyone else)?

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AustinSkepticus 7 June 24

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I'm against theism, but not long as they are nice to me.


I don't discuss religion unless someone else brings it up, but if they do I don't hide my position or back down. At Dollar Tree a few weeks ago the cashier said "Have a blessed day" and I responded "No, thank you". She then insisted that I WOULD have a blessed day whether I wanted one or not, and said that she'd pray for me, and I responded that I'd talk to my cat for her. I've recently added "May the Force be with you" and "Praise be to Satan" to my possible responses.

I like saying "May the Force be with you", most Christian hear what they want to and I get to giggle internally.


Why not confrontational? Christians and other religious persons think that they have the “right” to force their beliefs down our throats. You are free to believe as “we” belief or you will be ostracized. You are free to be segregated from running for office in some states or not being allowed to be a commissioned officer in the military service if you don’t “believe”. You are “free” to have their religious laws and beliefs infecting our government and our politician’s political decisions. So, yes, they are confrontational in their oppression so I will be in defense of freedom of thought.


I don't care, I truly live by that simple premise. Therefore you may say I am not confrontational


Generally I am a you do you person until what you are doing effects me and mine. Then damn right I will be in your face about it.


Live and let live is the default. I have never, in real life, had to be confrontational. I would be if the situation required it, but it just hasn't come up.

Online is another matter ...


It is no longer possible to be a "live and let live" kind of person.
Too many people believe their religious beliefs should be forced on everyone.
Religion has too much influence at every level of society.


I am an atheist but I don't debate religion with anybody unless they're trying to pressure me into their beliefs.

@MichaelSpinler I agree with you about the political side and I support the Freedom From Religion Foundation as I believe they are doing a lot of good by trying to enforce separation of church and state.


I have come to a point in my life, it is almost a non-issue! If religion is brought up, I just state that ‘I have had all the religion that I can take for one lifetime!’ That seems to fit me like a glove!


1 and 3, rarely 2.


I am a live and let live individual but also a Circumstantial Anti-theist

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