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LINK Baptist Pastor: Godly Men Must Save America from “Bossy Women and Queers” – Friendly Atheist

Spreading intolerance, hate and mysogynist views Brother Fannin hits all the low notes..

DGJ0114 7 June 25

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This guys statement shows how ignorant religion can potentially be. Sadly., I have a feeling that many gave this dude a Amen or Hallelujah when he spoke it. I feel bad for the innocence of the baby he is holding being replaced with this type of judgment and hate. Hopefully her love can transform his ignorance.


It honestly makes you wonder how many times he was dropped on his head as an infant.

whee Level 2 June 25, 2018

One sad side of this is people like him reproduce.


Bossy women and queers don't bother me. Guys like this dick bother me very much. I would much rather be saved from assholes and republicans.


Hmm not exactly a rousing speech like Churchill's "We'll fight them on the beaches..." or QEI's "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman..." or even Shakespeare's Henry V "Once more unto the breach..." but does have a certain inept, inarticulate tone that we have come to respect (whoops, typo, meant expect) from such misanthropic preachers.


Well I have news for him.

Love it!


It seems a bit silly for a preacher to try and direct people like that. Excepting his no doubt 'special relationship' with god, what gives him the right?

Denker Level 7 June 25, 2018

What a dumb ass. Real men don't play nintendo they play xbox!

Also agree that we are cursed. Cursed with an egomaniac idiot for a president.

arnies Level 7 June 25, 2018

this just made me laff

btroje Level 9 June 25, 2018


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