What should we do with people and governments that persecute (even murder) Agnostic.com people like us?
Exterminate them all, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I surely wouldn't travel to visit those places.
Contact your senator if its out of US. If its local call your your Governor. Contact the media. Get on social media.
If it happens outside USA nothing that we can't do....and I doubt it would take place in our country.
lead by example. show them our good nature and educate them not by sending money but by sending science teachers , nurses and doctors like the cubans do
Spread the word among our folk that their nation’s major cities are about to be hit with 20 megaton air-blast hydrogen warheads - So Run!
...WTF can we do? Our government here in the US has maintained a policy of ‘taking in persecuted christians’ from around the world… I doubt the ‘christian part’s’ gonna change soon.. Can you envision a boatload of Atheist asylum seekers welcomed to America..? But I’m open to ideas ~
It would be a good idea to look to the civil rights movement and lgbt movement. They both were very successful in reducing bigotry. The civil rights movement brought us actual equality as opposed to just words. The lgbt movement normalized what was already normal "gay".
What we are dealing with is a bigoted culture, thus we must actively change that culture by helping the masses understand that questioning ones beliefs is normal.
While the is a time and place to "stand up to the man", only going after the government or bigots will not change cultural norms.
Hold them accountable through diplomatic channels.
Vote in a Democracy that protects people who are unconventional in their thinking like Agnostic.com instead of locking them up or murdering them!
an uneducated electorate breeds tyranny by the masses .only appointed judges can eventually turn a countries' education system around. how does one get a progressive council to appoint them? THAT is the question