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For all the level 7 and 8's. Have we evolved?

I remember when i first joined up somewhere in the winter months of 2017. Our forum was full of information about the reasons why we denied religion. How we came together to find like minded people to exchange our knowledge and wisdom to combat those that pressure us in becoming a Christian.
Here lately i see other topics about everything else. Have we accepted the new challenges and no longer have the need to discuss our old thoughts and behaviors?

BucketlistBob 8 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I enjoy thinking and talking philosophy or sometimes the history of religion, which isn't entirely negative.

Atheism doesn't have anything beyond demanding evidence for extreme claims. Some atheists are total loons, a guy I see every week genuinely thinks there's a world conspiracy theory covering up the world's impending doom due to GCC in less than 10 years.


Although I enjoy discussing atheism, there not much to say. Isn't that the point? No holy books, no organization, no belief system. No speculation. So cool. I just shit most people down just by saying I'm atheist. No discussion.

You just (what) people down?

@BucketlistBob lol. I didn't have mean shit, dang spell check. I meant shut


Just a thought. The site is I joined the group because agnosticism is about NOT knowing. Therefore, discussion and debate helps to explore what you don't know, not expecting to find solutions but answers that present new questions.

I find that there are some quite rigid minds engaging here which take on the same strategies as the Christians, Muslims etc.. regarding certainty about their position. I wrote a poem once called 'What Would You Do, If All You Believed Were Not True.' I am hoping that agnosticism is not restricted to a polemic with religion, Quite frequently it seems that Christianity is the only religion that is discussed! What about much maligned religions like Manicheism, Neo-Platonism or druidism?

I hear you... there could possibly be more information about others. I felt a strong no god feeling when i came in. That eliminated any and all religions in my mind.

I would prefer, but I didn't start the site. You join where there are the most people, not because it's a perfect fit.

@novoxguy I heartily concur!!!


It was a little interesting when I first signed on but I formed my own opinions with my own thinking. I felt it was important to do that without reading a bunch of other opinions from "experts" of what ever type from another time. I do not debate these topics with believers. IT is up to them to make their own discoveries and opinions.
Some of it is ok but I thought since it was all decided about a persons stance on the god thing we could move on to other fun topics without argument. I think if the site had not evolved I would have departed

btroje Level 9 June 27, 2018

I agree.... a lot did move on.


Having found the "like minded people", there is only so much one can say about religion. We can nit-pick among such niceties as agnosticism, atheism, antitheism, and the rest of it, of course. But we also talk about all sorts of other things, which I think is a healthy sign.

Coffeo Level 8 June 27, 2018

The more we get away from constantly talking about religions and deities, the more we make the world we want to see.


No... Being of reasonable mind, I think it's an ongoing battle.

Hutch Level 7 June 26, 2018



There's certainly an aspect of evolution happening here. I mostly like our society, as well.

 However, in our individual selves, we recognise growth and change as necessary to long term survival. This argues well for's long term persistence, since WE aren't static, altering in (imnsho) very positive directions. Grin, oh yes, I like US!

I suppose explaining to people that don’t believe in God why I don’t believe in God gets a little bit old… It still remains interesting when you have someone on the fence to discuss it with, a rare opportunity. I enjoy the topic as I’m constantly amazed at belief without evidence. It’s a cultural quandary.


I've only just recently grown rudimentary legs and made the move from water to land.

Lol, welcome to the non-floaty world Paul!


New arrivals tend to share their stories. For any member, m, with ego < Trump.ego, m (much less other members) will become bored with that and move on to other things.

But there will always be some discussion of what we share, the journey out of theism.

That's what I'm talking about...


It's like climbing a ladder, each step is a new idea for those newly freed. The others who have been climbing a while see the lower rungs as old hat, things that are repeated but still necessary for growth. New rungs=new ideas for all of us.



The crowds change. It's a different site than it was in the 'good ol' days'. It's becoming less addictive.

I don't have a need to talk about religions, but I never have.

I'm sorry you feel this way because I do to.

It's nothing but a thing brother. I was noticing how we use to have though knock down discussions on who said what. I guess the new folks just accept.

@BucketlistBob The new folks are new. This is a test of our flexibility and adaptability. Nothing to be alarmed about, just a test.


I joined in early spring and I'm almost level 8. I love learning, interacting with other non-believers, and taking in the information here and I have learned a lot. But, as an Anti-theist the last thing I want to talk about on this forum is religion.

I hear you about talking about religion in general. It was mostly testimonials of their travels getting here.


Think it comes back to religion after a while.To constantly discuss religion would become boring after a while?

Coldo Level 8 June 26, 2018

Your right ...


I think that we always need to talk about who we are or were and how we've grown or changed. I believe that right now we are so overwhelmed with every crazy thing going on all over the world that we all just want some type of outlet to talk about everything! We even need those times to just share nonsense and silly stuff. I just posted my first post on the Religion & Spirituality tag line. Although it was written last July 4, I just found it today and feel that it is good fodder for what we are about on this site.


@BucketlistBob Too funny that you use that word too. I just had someone at work ask me if it was Amish. The other thing that I thought about since answering you is that I am fine with who and what I am and tell people if it is apropos to the conversation. I think a lot of people who are new to the idea of atheism and agnosticism look for those of us who are not riding in their first rodeo and will be supportive in their questions and comments so we have a triunal purpose here, support atheism/agnosticism, have fun, bitch about politics. LOL

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