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Is it okay for an atheist to sing sacred music?

I sing in a Choir and sometimes have to sing Requiems and Christmas Carols. Am I being hypocritical? I do enjoy singing them.

Marionville 10 June 28

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I can't see where there should be any problem. The music is beautiful and gives our brains endorphins and soothes our bodies. If you enjoy them then sing them. I don't think we have to deny our happiness to be our authentic selves...

lcmdws Level 4 June 28, 2018

When I was in choir, I enjoyed singing songs with the phrase "Kyrie elison" and I love listening to Gregorian chants, but I do so from the artistic point of view. Christmas carols are another thing, but I have to say my favorite Christmas carol these days, aside from "Do They Know it's Christmas?" by Band-Aid is "White Wine in the Sun" by Tim Minchin.

Yes I agree, I love all kinds of music. As long is it has a good melody it is singable!


It really depend on where, when and why. Like a lot of art, much of our great musical pieces where written to please the Church, not secular man. They were meant to inspire one to a religious life. Yet we look at the great masterpieces without questioning our non-belief, why not the same with classical music. If sung as part of a classical art series, even during the winter holiday season, listening and singing is a joyous thing. I draw the line when it comes to singing in an organized religious service.


If you enjoy it,that is all that matters.

I mean one of my favorite song's is Hallelujah, performed by Jeff Buckley.

@WillSmith1 I absolutely love singing anything. We sing Hallelujah and do it brilliantly, but it isn’t actually a religious song. in fact Leonard Cohen wrote it as a hymn to secularism.


Are the other members aware of your atheism? If so and they don't care i wouldn't worry about it.

I feel the proper Christian response should be delight that even though you aren't faithful you lend your abilities to something that might mean something to someone that is.

If they don't and it would bother them that's an unfortunate and sticky situation and the answer is more of a...cluster of potential outcomes. Maybe they value having a choir member they can count on, maybe they believe that strongly in camerderie, maybe they get mad.

No they all know that I am a Humanist and a nonbeliever, they think I’m a loveable eccentric as nobody here doesn’t believe in some brand of Christianity!

@Marionville yeah I get that too lol
If the people you're singing with don't care then there's no reason to feel bad. That doesn't mean people won't try to make to make you feel bad, and I wouldn't put a whole lot of expectation into them openly backing you up if it means going against the congregation. They very well might, though.


Plus, even they know Santa is fake??


I don't think so.

I'm a stone cold atheist, and I personally believe that one of the most awful times of the year is the run up to the Christmas holiday.

However, one of my most favorite pieces of music in the whole wide world is John Rutter's "What Sweeter Music", which is a Christmas carol.

It is also one of mine and I love most of Rutter’s music as it’s usually really melodic.

I first heard it as background music for a Volvo commercial and was intrigued by the harmonies.

I’ve listened to it a couple of times since reading you’re post, and it real is quite a tasty piece of music.

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