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Any thoughts on the train-wreck that was Atheism Plus? I personally thought it was a ridiculous idea.

Kenderlend 3 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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The plus sign looks like a cross, which could be a bad sign 😀

Seriously though, I deconverted practically in the aftermath of A+. Though I agree that it was a bad implementation, I don't know that it was or is a bad idea to try and unite nonbelievers around something. Because we either try something like this or are doomed to not be able to form a community (or several).

I already see this getting shape as people gather either around social justice (American Atheists), Feminism (A+, of course), legal activism (RR), skepticism, and so on. And when atheists of two groups meet, it is quite a clash (see MythCon2017). One thing to note is that skepticism, the thing I value the most, does not seem capable of bringing people together, as it is exactly what fuels schisms. But I'll continue to keep an eye out for what is to come.

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