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What would our island be like if we all moved there?

If we were going to move an uninhabited island what government/policy's would we institute?

  • 3 votes
  • 11 votes
McWalsoft 6 June 29

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Coldo Level 8 June 29, 2018

Lol the music from the Clash will definitely be coming.

@McWalsoft Yip ??


I'd institute a direct democracy.

Gohan Level 7 June 29, 2018

Are we doing first past the post voting? That way we don't end up with a ln eventual two party system.

@McWalsoft There are no electorates in a Direct Democracy. All the citizens of age participate in the making of laws. FPP would be unnecessary. Parties would not be necessary.


Are we taking Donald with us ?

If you mean Donald Duck then yes lol.

Yes, we need somebody to shovel shit into the latrines.

Put him there all by himself. LOL

We going to have latrines ??

Which other Donald did you think I was talking about ?

@VAL3941 Well we can't pollute the ocean, that would not do. Have to bury it or burn it for energy. LOL

Rather Donald than shit ? Or both in thd same pit ?

@VAL3941 Oh go for broke, both in same pit...Hahahahaha!

Thats not going for broke, thats win win. LOL

@VAL3941 The one that lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Well when he's not in Florida.

Yip, thats the one ?

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