What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I have two: chocolate and lemon. I actually like them together . . . Side by side in the dish. It's difficult to find commercially made lemon ice cream these days, but during the summer months, a New Jersey company called Country Club used to make it (back in the 1950's). These days, we make our own ice cream at home, so any flavor's possible.
Chunky peanut butter added to vanilla ice cream and stirred until creamy.
@RobLawrence It really is. . . also a bit addictive. I usually place a thick ceramic bowl (or oversized coffee mug) in the freezer then take it out with the ice cream and mix on the counter so the ice cream doesn's melt when you mix in the chunky peanut butter.
I love all of them but it throws my Blood levels off the Wall and so I even tried Frozen Yogurt and Fat Free which when no where. I know I am lactose indifferent.