Sadly the people of the world have come to the conclusion that the only way to eliminate the ? alien invasion is to meet their demands. The aliens have given the people of the world an option. They can either give up Libraries or Coffee. Once the decision is made though there is no going back as the aliens have a death ray pointed at our planet. If we try to create the one we one we didn't vote for the aliens will end us all. What is your choice?
Libraries. Quick! Scan all of the books that aren’t in pdf format!!!
This is one area Utah has perfect, most libraries have a coffee shop inside. Finding a bank with free coffee is difficult but libraries and coffee go together like thinking and atheism.
I voted for libraries, but am rather fond of both. It seems I am part of a dying breed.
Neither. 'Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!' - The marvelous Mexican revolutionary Emile Zapata