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Have they learned yet?

Marine 8 June 30

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Without reading the specific context to this post, I'm going to say no.


The farmers are leaning what a mistake voting for trumpie was. The auto workers will be next as the price of steel rises and cars become to expensive. As normal the republicans have reversed the stock market . They normally leave power with the market down. Can you imagine paying $30000 for a Cheve or Ford And $40000 for a buick?He passed a tax bill that gave the rich more money and the middile class piddlely; removed common tax deductions from middle class raising taxes they will pay but excludes deductions for planes and ships,cattle farms ,horse farms tree farms all of which are just tax escapes. It is hardly a cattle farm with three cows, three horses or 20 acres of trees.This is my neighbor .To pay for infrastructure he plans to raise the gas tax and use a federal sales tax. How much will be left of that middle income tax break after these are in place plus the reduction in tax deductions.The republicans are supposed to be fiscal protectors. What about adding two and a half trillion to the national debt. Where is the two and a half trillion they took from Social Security?He just wants a war with Iran so bad that he can taste it . More going to national debt. All this yet they have not learned.

Marine Level 8 June 30, 2018
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