Taking 30km/second, our speed around the sun and 2018 revolutions of the sun we can calculate how far we've come since Jesus. There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year multiplied by years 2018 = 63,681,876,668 seconds since Jesus
Multiply that by 30km = 1,910,456,300,040 km from jesus in the year 2018
That's 1,187,102,508,873.181 miles.
These figures are based on averages so are only estimates, and I'm only taking into consideration distance around the sun.
Do you feel we've come that far?
Oh, but we've gone much further!
If we ignore fluctuations in our speed from going around the sun (as you investigate above, but is cyclic, so we keep coming back to the same place in that reference frame) and instead consider our trajectory around the GALAXY, then we're traveling 230 km/s. And using your numbers for the time, we've gone 14,646,831,633,640 km or 9,101,119,234,694.385 miles!
I chose not to go indepth, personally I'd also take into consideration our galaxies velocity through our universe aswell as our earth's rotation to measure the full distance travelled by humans on earth's surface, unfortunately I have food to cook and a house to clean.
I run from math the same way I run from religion, no offense but all the numbers were hard enough, then letters come to party...I gave up on math...