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Who's your favorite stand up comic of all time?

I just recently got turned on to Aussie Jim Jefferies by a member here. He's great (Jim, that it)! But I'd have to say that George Carlin impressed me the most, followed closely by Richard Pryor. Robin Williams was too frenetic and often too superficial for my taste.

RobLawrence 7 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Hard to go wrong with George Carlin and Bill Hicks. But I also enjoy a lot of English comedians...Eddie Izzard, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle (the later two have zero boundaries).

Oh, and Tim Minchin, he's a bit of a modern day Victor Borge.

Put on your thick skins...I've had people tell me "oh, I like dark humor" and then I them some of their bits and they come away going "no, no way man, that's just wrong".


Billy Connelly's ireverance and observational humour up until around early 90s when he became an establishment icon. The abrasive Connelly was lost somewhere around then.


George Carlin


Ricky Gervais, Jim Gaffigan, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Hannah Gadsby is new but quickly becoming a favorite, Russell Howard, so many. I just really love stand up... I sometimes think I'll try my hand at it.

@RobLawrence Oh, there are. Pretty much any comedy club has amateur night. Plus, YouTube is totally a thing now. I need to work on my material.

@RobLawrence not enough girls in stand up and definitely not enough atheist girls that aren't completely self deprecating.


Carlin and Bill Hicks. Both are needed more than ever right now.


Doug Stanhope .. not my favorite, but in my top 3. My favorites have already been represented.


I'm sorry to not answer as you ask, but had to share this here with you guys
(Cause you all are so kind and understanding)


Dave Allen


Patton Oswalt, Gabriel Iglesias, Ron White and John Pinette are some of my favorites.


Gabriel Iglesias, Billy Connolly, Lewis Black, Kathleen Madigan, Robin Williams, Eddie Izzard, Trevor Noah, Patton Oswalt.


Louis Black, Bill Maher, Craig Fergerson, Wanda Sykes, Mums Mabely, Red Foxx, Rodney Dangerfield, Donald Trump, Jimmy Durante, Ron White, Jeff Foxworthy, Sam Kinison, Billy Chrystal, Allen King, Gilbert Gottfried for the simple reason that they all had all had a style of their own.


I don't know if Henry Rollins is technically a stand up comedian. I think he calls himself a spoken word artist. But he makes me laugh like no one else

GwenC Level 7 July 1, 2018

It's got to be Bernie Mac for me!!


Seinfeld and Ricky Gervais


Lots of great stand-ups. David Brenner, Jerry Seinfeld, Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles, Gary Shandling, Carlin, Lewis Black, Billy Crystal, Williams, and Albert Brooks.


i have several. got steve martin's autograph in college. but of course richard pryor, sam kinison, richard jenni, rich schidner, carlin was the man. just to name several. thanks


A tie for me. Carlin to make you think, Pryor to make you feel. Jefferies is my favorite living comedian.


George Carlin.
I have others I enjoy very much, but Carlin was king.


Eddie Murphy raw and delirious

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