I have to admit I was inspired to ask you this, because I read that this is an actual interview question for a sandwich shop. Thought, it was interesting.
I'd start by ransacking the Mormon's who have food stores for the apocalypse they think is coming. Or, maybe like the movie Zombie Land, I'd be on a quest for Twinkies. (Probably wouldn't answer this way in an interview LOL).
What would you do?
Move my fleet to woods bring my supplies and binge watch
Get a seagoing vessel, find and island and fish.
Maybe movie to the Aleutians.
You know I'd hope on that zombo train fam (lit)
Well thankfully there are two maximum security prisons near by (like 5 minute drive), one is now closed and is a museum. That right there with it's giant ass walls and shoreline placement make it a good fortress. Of course there is also Fort Henry nearby too which is on a hill so you can see those decrepit basters coming from a mile away. Or make for one of the islands in the lake....I got a lot of safe haven locations around me.
I'd make for any one of these institutions after stocking up on supplies and just hold out there with other smart folk. I'd sit on the walls and torch anything that got near. Though what kind of zombies are we talking about here? fast, slow, infected, supernatural, ect....
Of course if this did happen I'd be pissed because I really hate zombies and the stupid fad, it's booooooring. "Really? this is how it's gonna go down? I'll take mad max over this crap."
I uh, actually have a bag packed for that. Not zombies in particular, but other possible eventualities as well. Its got several ways to make fire in it. Fishing gear. Some food. Some tools. Rope. A survival book lol even a deck of cards to play with to stave off boredom and worst case scenerio hopelessness. Be prepared.