I'm all for equality but can't see it ever being true equality.
Equality should be the best person for the job; not for having an equal amount of females to males in employment situations. Nor for any other activity. This includes equal pay only being paid to people doing exactly the same work to the same degree and efficency as the next person. Male or female.
If there was true equality then females would be playing alongside males in all sports. With the same conditions. For example tennis, golf, athletics, swimming, football and any other sports that are segregated.
I could go on but what are your views on this??
I always have thought that everyone is unequal in every way. I think people should have equal opportunities but different outcomes.
There is no government that pulls this off. Capitalist democracy is not ruled by the most intellegent and competent. It's ran by an oligarchy.
Communism gives equal opportunities however we everyone also gets equal results. Equal results leads to lazy moochers.
The only government system that can make a society with the most competent people in any given position in life is meritocracy. That's my view.
Meritocracy is an entire political system that has not been implemented by anyone yet. 'The movement' can give you more information if interested. I think that's what it was called.