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Do you think a good person is someone who never gets angry?

I was told a person who shows anger means they are a bad person.
do you really agree on this perspecyive or do you think there is more to it with a person who gets upset.

yaya87 5 July 2

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I have a good friend who has come out of an abusive relationship. What bugs me is that she just gives a nervous laugh when talking about some of the terrible things he did. I want her to get mad, shout and swear but she just gives out an unconvincing laugh. I try and tell her that anger is an energy.

She will get there, more privately at first. She maybe already has. It was my anger that gave me the will to get out. Fear wasn’t enough.
Laughter is one way to deflect from sensitive topics and feelings. It sounds like YOU are angry and are feeling what you want to see in her response—not unusual. It’s tough when someone we care for has been abused.

@CarolinaGirl60 He looks after his very aged mother. She still cares about her which leads to dealings with him still. Plus this she drinks to quell the emotions. I want her to get mad and just F#ck him off

@273kelvin I understand, and I’m sorry. It’s so much easier said than done!


That's bullshit. Anger is a natural human emotion. I'm more afraid of people who never show their anger. I'm pretty sure that's a sign of a psychopath


There is a difference in an angry person and a person who gets angry. The first one can be dangerous the second one is normal.

@Sheannutt Thanks. ☺


If they get angry at that POS sitting in the White House there's nothing wrong with him!


Anger is a normal feeling. All of your feelings are okay. But you choose your actions and behavior.

Unacceptable behavior when feeling angry includes:

Lashing out
Putting people down
Abuse: physical, mental or emotional.

See the difference?

When I feel frustrated or irritated by people, I take a "time out." I got for a walk to calm down. When I feel calm and centered, I go back to problem-solve together.

In my 30s, I realized when I feel angry toward someone, it often has more to do with me than that person. I was reacting strongly to behavior in others that I didn't like in myself.


No. It's not about the anger, it's how it's dealt with. There's a difference between feeling and behavior. It's normal to get angry, but a mature person owns it and doesn't act out on it or take it out on themselves or someone else.


Good and anger are mutually exclusive. It is how you handle that anger that makes you good or bad.

Good point. And to expand on the idea further anger can be a good motivation if channelled correctly.


Anger is a biological response to perceived danger. It is a survival response within our brain. There is nobody breathing who doesn't get angry. The trick to to express it appropriately. It has nothing to do with the type of person we are.


Also I think someone who never releases anger could be someone that could unemotionally kill you as you slept.

Yeah....that too!


All of us are angry at times, and anger is the proper response when being mistreated, witnessing injustice, and such. It’s not healthy to be angry all the time or use anger to solve all problems.
It takes a balance. Avoiding anger can lead to explosive outbursts: best to deal with it each time it comes up.
Nothing to do with ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in my opinion...way more complicated!


Psychopaths often don't display anger (or any other emotion)! Lack of anger doesn't make a "good" person on its own!


Anger is a normal human emotion. Anyone who never shows it is either stunted emotionally or a damn good actor. To feel anger is normal, how we deal with it is the tricky part. It is nothing to do with being good or bad, whoever told you that is just talking nonsense.


No. Anger is an natural element of our psyche.


Everyone gets angry, everyone. So that is a pretty ridiculous "perspective" to have. I realize someone told you this, but please understand that people get angry for many different reasons. I think this has no bearing whatsoever on a person's "goodness" or "badness." And as many commenters here have already said; it's not getting angry that's the problem, it's how you deal with it. =]


If you don't get angry at the atrocities in this world then you are not a good person at all !!!


Even the best of people get angry. A good person does not fly off the handle with unprovoked anger, but does show righteous anger when his or her basic principles and values are assaulted.


I was raised to believe that adults showing anger are weak. My husband called me on it, though, saying that everyone EVENTUALLY gets mad. If one has swallowed the anger for awhile, when they do eventually blow, their target will receive a blast that's way beyond proportion for that last straw that broke the camel's back.

Some expression, in real time, can be healthy. It's more about emotional balance, I think. Adults prone to frequent tantrums are not exactly attractive, either.

Zster Level 8 July 2, 2018

There are times when showing anger, being true to oneself, sticking up for what is right, is the "good" thing to do. That is sometimes how positive changes can be made. I like to show all my cards. Though showing anger tactfully is sometimes a good approach, not to show anger at all is to be a doormat. Showing anger about little things, well there are times to chill out a bit and just let it go...


No, I think I'm a good person, but I get angry every time the name donald trump is mentioned... it's starting... self inflicted too. A little red wine before bed... thank you again to the red wine guy from earlier today

Tomas Level 7 July 2, 2018

All anger does is show that person feeling some type of way and something is bothering them I would think.


I think that good people get angry at evil.


Anger is an emotion and I certainly think all people should have the full range of emotions. Now the difference really is how that person channels that anger.


Anger usually arises from lack of communication which in turn causes frustration . If you have to get angry in order to communicate , find a better way.

I agree anger is something that is deeper rooted from alot of things. From childhood past. That is why some people react the way they do. Because in a way within themselves they are still a kid with an adult
Body. Most people do not know how to cope with their emotions how to deal with pain.... How to not dump their garbage on one another and sometimes they are not aware of their actions. Because the way a person is raised they think it is something that is normal.

@yaya87 anger is a normal emotion... controlled anger is more normal vs uncontrolled.


Why would being angry have anything to do with being bad? Those things are mostly unrelated.

Is being angry bad behavior? Yeah, in most cases. Anger causes snap decisions for starters. Second, good people would be the ones to know that anger isn't really something to do.


Everyone is angry now and then—it’s part of being associated with a human body. To stay angry, to wallow in anger does not mean that you are a bad person. It means that you are a mistaken and unhappy person. That can be changed.


Anger is perfectly fine. There are situations where anger is the only suitable reaction. There are also situations where anger is not. The same could be said for happiness. Like, no one should ever be happy to see a person or animal mistreated. This is a situation in which you should be angry and feel moved enough to act. So, it depends on the situation and how you act according to that situation whether or not you are a “bad” person. If there were a commonly wrong reaction to alot of situations, I would say it would have to be apathy; but even then there are situations where even that is perfectly acceptable.

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