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I did something I thought I would never do. I received a invitation to a new group-Jewish Women-Culture. I don't have many female friends these days so I'm going to check it out. If god is mentioned I'm outta there. Should I go?

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Atleast in Jewish community there is no death for apostasy. either you believe or not in God, you are still part of them. this is something very cool.

Hussy Level 4 Jan 5, 2018

Why not.

Hussy Level 4 Jan 5, 2018

Yes, go!! What do you have to lose besides a few hours.


One of my dearest friends is a Cantor. We meditate together, we do yoga together, we "do lunch," we go shopping. She is kind, gentle, wise, smart, fun . . . but I also have friends who are meat eaters. So, I don't just "hang" with areligious vegans. In short, go! Enjoy yourself. Be open to new possibilities. Being agnostic doesn't have to mean being isolated from the rest of the world.


It could be interesting...


With the exception of the ultra-Orthodox, it's always seemed to me that belief in G-d (sorry, old habits die hard!) is pretty much optional in any Jewish social group, and it's perfectly ok to go along for the cake.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 1, 2018

I attended a Quaker meeting on Sunday. A long time friend invited me. Her husband is not a Quaker but he also went. She was to do a story and wanted me to hear. I said I would go if they didn't try to baptize me and if they didn't mind a heathen in their midst.

There were some 25 people there. Quaker meetings are unusual in that they don't do anything. Just sit and if something moves one they make a comment (I have been before so I knew what I was getting into). At the break we were all asked to introduce ourselves. My friend mentioned where I was from and after the introductions a woman came to me and talked about how much she wanted to live on my island (This city is some 2 hours away (ferry and car). We had a nice discussion. Another came to me with some questions none of which was about religion. We had a meal and people told their stories. My friend mentioned me in her story and I got into discussions with others. It turned out extremely pleasant and there was absolutely no proselytizing.

As religious people go, the Quakers are really rather cool.

@Jnei It seem Quakers and Unitarians compete to see who is the most accepting and peaceful.

@JackPedigo If only all religions and sects did that!


It never hurts to try. If it isn't to your liking,you can always bail. Good luck!

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