What if trotsky was the leader instead stalin ?
Trotsky was an idiot. Lenin was better. Stalin.. Very dodgy. It makes no difference who the leader is because the capitalist ruling class will do everything in their power to destroy communism, since it threatens them.
Today over 50% of former East Germans lament the passing of communism. But the West was determined to destroy it.
It's ironic that Angela Merkel chose to live in the GDR where she received her free university education.
Back up your statement.
The Fourth International saw Trotsky recommend to nations that were about to be invaded by Nazi armies, to instead welcome them with open arms.
Because the Nazi soldiers were working class too..
You couldn't make it up. Trotsky was a middle class, indulgent theoretical communist. His theories have never achieved anything. They have never built anything.
Trotskyism is a red herring. A false flag. It's why the CIA once covertly promoted Trotskyism to diffuse the class struggle.
It would be different, but not much better.
Communism works in small groups, which is villages of about 200 people or less. That is why most tribal villages had smaller numbers. Once you get above 200 people then anonymity and self interest start to take over. The system only works when everyone knows everyone else. So, it only works well on a very low micro level. The higher the macro level, the more the system is exploited o benefit just a few and the system breaks down.
It works in Europe. It works in Cuba and Venezuela despite the interference from the westernized world. Just imagine what Cuba and Venezuela could be today if left alone all these years, decades for Cuba. They have a near perfect mix of socialism and capitalism. And that's why you get false news about them. Because they don't want you to know it can work!
@William_Mary I think of Europe as beign more socialist.
Or Mao? Or Pol Pot? It still wound up with mass murder and millions of people killed. Castro only murdered tens of thousands, so I suppose he was "better".
No human can be fully trusted, so we need a government with limited powers, and separation of powers.
Apart from that, we need a market pricing system to accurately price capital investments. It simply can't be done well in a socialist command economy. Ludwig von Mises covered this subject well in his classic monograph [mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com]