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Who here is an avid video gamer?!

Hi guys! I love to video game and have been gaming since the age of 6 (I will be the ripe old age of 35 in 19 days, ugh).
I am an all around gamer and I do not think one system has superiority over another. I am mostly a console gamer but do play some games online via Steam.
I’ve played older and newer systems, and I have an Xbox One, Xbox 360, a Nintendo Wii, PS4, 1st Gen nintendo DS, and a computer.
I admire Indie games but like a few AAA titles here and there.
I would love to talk video games and I’d love to game with more cool people on ps4 and xbox one! Please message me or post a note here!
Happy chatting and gaming!

MrsMickiLP 5 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Ex, very ex.

@MrsMickiLP Very ex gamer. Haven't seen an atraction for a pc game in about a decade. Console games 80-90's from nintendo and sega shared with my kids, one still retro super nintendo and genesis, other a semi pro with a heavy loaded rig.... no longer appeal. I even received in one of my jobs an Ngage... handheld and cellphone console. Enjoy your fun.

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