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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I don't usually say that. I don't care a lot for labels. We all categorize everything, but the longer we can avoid it, I think, the more open we can be to other people, ideas, ways of thinking, etc. I usually first try to find out what's meaningful to them, then, if they are interested or inquire about me, I look for commonalities first. If they press, I'll not claim a belief in god, but I will still tend to not use the word atheist... unless I want to end the conversation really quickly. 🙂


Actually I don't even bother explaing myself. I don't expect people to understand what I think. People are just so used to knowing what they have been taught since the very beginning of there life's. They are afraid of change. Change just means something better is out there. People are programmed to believe that the political, religious and educational people want them to believe. By giving them comfort, rules and regulation. Forming in there minds there view of reality.


In order to avoid arguments, I say nothing. I nod, or say, hummm


I usually claim parody religions like Dudeism and Pastafarianism.


Mainly I will tell them that I don't believe in the existence of 'Any' "God/s", because I've never found 'Any' credible evidence that would lead me to believe that 'Any' of those "God/s" factually exist in Reality.


Just be open if it comes up, you can't be called a liar if you hide nothing.


I say that I'm a non-supersitionist. If pressed, then I explain further.


For me blunt is good. I feel my life is made up of time and I could do both of ourselves a favor if we don't waste it. You don't want to hear their bullshit. They could be spending their time talking to somebody else who does.


I have gotten to the point of just saying I can't believe in any gods. Listening to them is like listening to brain dead dribble. I just have to say I am atheist. I can not go on lieing. You hear them babble about bible study. One was surprised I knew so much about the bible. I look up a passage and m sick to read most of it. You do something wrong and first thing they want to stone you for any reason. Muslims is cutting off your head for some reason. What also gets me is the hate from these religions for all those not just like them! So many versions of the book of supposively the same religion. If there is one god why are there so many versions of it? Want more truth then ask why did religious leaders live with the kings and dictators while the poor ecked out a living being abused by kings and such? No there is no god just another tool for oppression. You ever noticed when one group conquers another and enslaves them they force there religion onto them? They either convert or are beaten or murdered. So if religion is so good why is so much death in their writings? Wipping out whole civilazation because someone told their god told them too. Oh yes kept the young virgin girls for slaves and concubines


Tell them you don’t believe in ghosts, spirits, talking donkeys and shit like that.


Straight out tell them. It has already cost me my entire family, thus why would I care what their reaction is. If they try to talk down to me or make rude comments I just give them about 20 questions they cannot answer and I give them about 20 crazy things they believe from a common sense thinking rational point of view to help them to understand how crazy is. One does not have to go much further than Kangaroos and the Ark. lol


That’s my favorite approach. The questions.

Don't I know it. I get told you have to believe, were do you get your morals from if you don't believe? Ask why if a dog does he allow the bad to happen if all knowing all powerful why does he not stop it? I get told he gives us free will. Then they tlk about gods will you are to do what her has planned for you. Ok we either have free will or their gods will or plan one of the other. If it does nothing if real then is either not loveing or kind, or is not all knowing and all powerful. Does this make sense to any of them. Then you about 80% of you think the right religion is the one you were raised in. As babies we are forced into the religion of our parents as they were. Scared to question anything about it. You live around the same people with the same religion and are scared to question any of it. You ever think that is how all of them are scared to question god even being real! God if real let people die of so many things now that science has found a way to cure. sorry those who believe are like in a cult just because its a wide spread mental illness does not make it right!


Yesterday some coworkers were talking about how the end times are approaching, evidenced by Trump's acknowledgement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. I wanted to butt in and tell them people have used every bit of world news for the last 2000 years to predict the end times, but I decided to avoid the argument and just let them have their fun. I'm not going to change their minds and they aren't going to change mine.


At work, I don't have to tell anyone. I've told a few people. Now they talk about it when I'm not around. Here in Kansas, Christianity is the extreme default. So anything else is to be pitied. But I did have some ladies come to my home once with flyers. I told them I don't believe. They both said "ohhh" like my dog died.



Surely all you have to do is say " I do not believe in yours or anybody else's "god" so please leave religion out of any discussions we may have".


When religion comes up and I'm asked what my religion is I always say I'm not religious, I'm an Atheist. Never had an issue....yet. And no, I've never felt uncomfortable starting my position or beliefs.


I just say I'm Buddhist, and let the chips fall where they may. If they inquire further, I'll try to explain that Buddhism has no god figure. That usually results in the discussion moving on to another subject. I feel no need to challenge religious thinking unless it's being inserted into my politics or education.


Yes there is a better way. Educate yourself in geology, cosmology & physics, and talk to them. Don't be in any rush to convert people. Just help them to awaken the rational part of their brain, if you can. Worldviews don't collapse in a single moment.

That is true . Talk about more science , sociology , pyscology etc....thank you.


I just tell them I'm not religious

Me too.


If they are not completely mindless and if that is where the conversation is headed I will tell them. If I think they'll listen I will further explain myself. This is kind of like coming out of the 'Atheist Closet'. Not as threatening as coming out in the traditional sense though.


If the subject of religious beliefs comes up, I'll usually just say that I'm an agnostic and don't subscribe to any particular religious dogma. I'm spiritual in that I have an awe of Nature and a wonder about our Universe and the other "Big Questions," but unless somebody seems to want to discuss that topic further, I don't push it.


I tell them I’m an atheist. If they cannot accept that simple statement, well, then the conversation comes to a quick end. I don’t fault them for their beliefs, as long as they accept that having differing opinions does not make someone a “bad” person. Just, please don’t tell me that “some day you’ll see the light.” I do not express condescending attitudes towards theists, and I require the same consideration from them.

I have been told before that "Some day you'll see the light". To that I usually reply that I've already been there by having been taught religion from the beginning but I changed when I became unafraid to think fir myself.


I usually just tell them if it comes up in conversation. I do enjoy some of the looks and comments I get.


It usually starts with a laugh, or a side-eye that lets them know I'm skeptical about what they're telling me. Then I just say it, "I don't believe in that stuff."


I tell them directly that I have never accepted Jesus as my savior; nor do I subscribe to any other religious teachings. I mention that scientific method suits me; and therefore anything less is merely supposition or opinion.


I sport many ill religious tees. As religious wing-nuts have begun an assault on our secular commons and me a studied theologian of hermeneutics, I enjoy Socratic dialogue. The look on their faces when they see reason coming into the picture, as I quote the Bible and say, 'I hate what you have done to my Jesus.'
As an atheist this blows their mind. I tell them I'm here to rescue the Jesus I admire from the eternal Pharisees/religion & Gov.

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