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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I don't know that this is hugely helpful but I think it comes down to what your comfortable with, if you know the people you want to say it to then you're best placed to judge how they would take hearing it and whether or not you need to wrap up the statement in anything else to soften it.


"Oh, I don't believe in your god, but thanks"
I don't believe in anybody's god, but it's nice to add that extra little tweak to make them think, even fleetingly, about the idea that other people believe in different gods.


Definitely, tell them. Spread it as far and wide as you can. Who knows? Maybe they will come out as an atheist as well.


I think it's irrelevant. If they don't ask, I don't tell.


I'm blunt and tell them right away. I don't BS about it. My whole work and family know. Respect the believer, NOT the belief. I learned that.


You don’t really need to tell them . I’ve worked very diligently at being able to talk to people without that being a issue. I’ve learned to focus more on them when discussions of that nature come up. When proclaim this, or that all we do is help promote division , this makes it difficult to communicate. I put humanist in my profile because something had to be there .


The subject rarely comes up, but I generally just tell them flat out. Which inevitable leads to, "I'll pray for you." I always reply, "I'll write a letter to Santa for you." They tend to shut up.

LOL, will have to remember that Santa comeback...excellent!


Generally I find people tend to keep their religious orientation to themselves. Therefore I'll only reveal my atheism on a case by case , need to know basis.Sometimes I feel comfortable to reveal my beliefs and other times it feels more appropriate to keep them to myself.


Australia, where I live, is supposed to be a christian country too, and like the U.S. different states are more so than others. I am up front with people about the fact that I am an atheist, and if they want to know then I tell them why.
I tell them I have studied theology at university level, as a committed christian, and came away realising that it is based on MYTH at best, and at worst it is simply outright creative fabrication for political gain!!


I usually keep it to myself. Eventually they get the picture and either keep me as a friend- however misguided, or shun me. If they do ask me outright I answer honestly by saying: "I believe in science, reality and having fun!"


I live in Islamic county and telling religious people my real believe is not a good idea

For women, it is pretty much a suicide to revel.


Why would you even bother? I'm as bothered by that as I am someone telling me that they are a Christian, who cares??!!
What you believe, or disbelieve is about as personal as your sexual preferences. ONLY appropriate in the proper CONTEXT.
That's what's so the matter with us as a species. I'm an atheist...yea me! I'm a Christian...yea me!!
Remember what your mother told you.... It's impolite to discuss Politics, Sex or Religion


I just walk past them and ignore them, just because I don't believe ion their god, doesn't mean I have to rub it in their faces.


When I lived in Maine, it was pretty easy. But now that I live in Alabama, I avoid religious discussions at all costs.


You don't. Just say no to their questions and kindly bow out of things. Your a unique person and its easy to be kind to people. Dont try to convince them that your way is the right way. Let them figure it out. Pressuring people is their way of getting what they feel you need. Think about how you finally changed and let them do the same.


I usually say "I'm sorry, but I am not superstitious" because I want them to know that condescending "God bless you" is falling on really barren ground.


I don't. I smile nod and talk about sports scores.


I don't just go around and advertise like all the religious bible thumpers do
If comes up and they start talking about there relious believes i kindly say "o im Athiest"
So no need 2 pray or tell me what ur religion is about and how i don't believe in god
U ever notice when religious ppl find out ur an Athiest they try talking u into believing in god and dorce there religion onto us


I usually just tell them I'm not religious. I let them figure the rest of it out on their own.

JimG Level 8 Nov 6, 2017

Generally, I avoid the word "atheist." Too much baggage; I often just have to explain exactly what I mean anyway, so why bother with the label that's more likely to get a negative response in people. My go to phrase is to say that I'm not a "person of Faith." It's broad, so I have to unpack it, but it's relatively inoffensive (something I find important when trying to change someone's mind), and it gets to the heart of my personal beliefs.


There is no better way. Explore becoming anti-theist. Because most religions result in the 'validation' of personal/family/societal immorality and authoritarianism (and anti-democracy).


Typically, I don’t tell them.


Not having a belief in something doesn't give us much to report, does it? Lol. I neither tout nor deny my religious stance, but I make it known to other people in my life. If they really love me, they'll accept me regardless. If they don't, then I don't need them in my life anyway!


I usually don't bring it up until they get annoying, then I just say "I am not a Christian". This usually derails the conversation and I end up walking away.


I just say the words in English, I don't have anything to prove and no vendetta, as a great German-American sailor once said; I am what I am, and that's all that I am.

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