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Whats going on with my truck?

Check engine light been on soon after i got this truck from auto masters in clarksville. The place is closed down. It was used. I payed way too much for it. been getting first one thing and then another thing fixed on it. I don't have time or the money to be doing what i am doing for it. i have to work and i can't miss days and there is no one to help me. Right now i'm sure its something in the wires. I go to park and it dies. Everything. no warning. radio goes and engine goes. but it starts right back up after a minute or two.

ChrisFrost 5 July 2

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It was bad gas or just trash in the line. No work done. Just waited it out. Thanks guys


What are the trouble codes you speak of? Fix the first one first and then move on down the line. What is the make, model and year? What engine/trans is in the truck? How many miles are on the truck? How can anyone give any meaningful advice without knowing this critical data?



You can buy a DIY car check plugin like the ones mechanics use, to diagnose your car's problems.

DIY Check Engine Light Diagnosis [] via @PopMech

light don't come on with this issue... so I guess ...idk its late. night.


The check engine light was fixed by plug wires. ihad a guy put in plugs and iginiton coil but the light was still on. i then had him do the plug wires and new terminals for the battery cable and that solved that problem.

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