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Do you still have a problem writing god, church, bible, etc, with small letters? Capital letters tend to lend respect to a word, so I ain't 'aving any of that.

GoldenDoll 7 Jan 2

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No I show my disrespect by using small letters even to our piece of shit in chief trump.


No problem whatsoever. I must admit it makes me giggle a little whenever I'm told I'm not showing "proper respect" by my use of lowercase letters. Makes me even more committed to using them.


I always write god in lower case.




I only use capitals if they are at the beginning of a sentence 🙂


Funny I write god as well same reason


Excellent reminder ...and doin my best.. Good thing my spell checker views ‘trump’ as a legitimate word, if not a legitimate person 😉

Varn Level 8 Jan 3, 2018

Yep we love our trumps here in England, although ladies only pass wind apparently.


Even when I was a small child during religious instruction at school my brain was always saying "hang on - this sounds like a load of woo-woo make-believe dreck to me" even as the teacher read out the lesson - so really, I've never believed G-d exists. However, I still write the word like that (or HaShem, since in Judaism you're not supposed to write the G-word in case you later accidentally disrespect Him by throwing His name in the bin or something. Old habits die hard; for that reason, I don't really worry about how people write whatever name they happen to use for a god.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I wish you luck with your continuing struggle to escape the brainwashing.


Anything that is ingrained in you is hard to overcome in the beginning. An example is for years I had problems with writing the word "he" (or anything masculine for that matter), because I have almost exclusively been in BDSM relationships.


Autocorrect must have an algorithm that never replaces a capital letter with a lower case no matter how many times I correct it, that seems pernicious to me, and the Webster dictionary App actually includes the phrase "Christian science" when looking up the word "science", that also seems suspect.


I make a concerted effort to not capitalize any of it. I practice this daily as I am a transcriptionist. 😉 However, like @Bam85 sometimes it must be capitalized to be correct.

Correct doesn't come in to it. Language is the tool of its users, not of the grammar police.


Unfortunately, I don’t have time to correct the autocorrect.


i see a few people using dog and I love it

That'd be the dyslexic people - I mean the ones using god.


Only problem is the spell checker and autocorrect.


I never felt that capitalizing a word lent it any reverence or respect. Just as I continue to capitalize peoples names, many of them not worthy of my respect.

At the same time, I do not feel a need to intentionally disrespect other's beliefs. To each their own.

Yeah, especially the kkk and isis. Make sure you don't disrespect them.

Forgive me, I am new to the site. I assumed that I was replying to a question about religion. In other sites it is customary to reply to the original post.
I do understand that you feel great satisfaction in not capitalizing. I am sure that the lower case kkk is hurting from your efforts

@BrianL58 - You not really going to tell me that you don't know the kkk and isis are religious organisations? That's what the questions was about. It's customary to try and understand the question.

Sorry, I have a fair handle on english but not a mind reader.
Perhaps I should not have assumed the intent of the question. I read god, bible, church, etc and apparently you meant to lean heavily on the 'etc' as in isis and kkk, .......etc I will be more careful?


It depends on the context. If I am writing about gods in general, or about a single god in hypothetical terms, then I do not capitalize. If I happen to be making a reference to the Christian god, or God, then I capitalize. For the other words, I use a similar approach. There is a book which is called The Bible. If I am making reference to that book specifically, then I capitalize.

So, for example, I might say, "Atheism is not a religion, believes in no god, has no bible. Christianity worships God, and believes the contents of The Bible literally contains their god's words."


I use God to imply a specific god. It's about it being a name, and you use a capital letter for names. If you intentionally do it to not show respect, the religious people will not respect you. Show respect to get respect.

Bible is a word, it does not have to be capatilised, nor does church. However, using the Bible typically will distinguish it as the Christian bible, as opposed to any other bible. Using Church instead of church, will typically distinguish between the metaphysical Church, and an actual physical building.

If you are using it as a proper noun, then capatilse it. Stop bastardising English because you don't believe in God, or any god.

Missed the point.


When the Roman Citizens were making a ledger of their possessions they used to list their slaves with capital letters so if you use capitals in your name you are telling everyone that you are a slave!

Just look at the name in your passport or drivers licence! for me, I have a name, I AM not a name!


Thanks for all your replies - what shocks me first is that in America (see I used a capital!) your autocorrect capitalises words which shouldn't be - we don't have that in England - shocking that even your computer can decide how you think! And what shocks me secondly (or second if you're American - it's actually an adverb), is how many pseudo-intellectuals have put the English language on hold by telling us what is or is not correct - without knowing that language is a living thing and is constantly changing. Language can be a powerful tool, but you've got to know how to use it.

I can take a lot more revised written language than spoken … I’ve turned off NPR (US national public radio) due to incessant ‘up-speak’... I appreciate that the upward inflection ending a statement as a question can’t be duplicated on the page(?) ...or can it 😉

@Varn -oooh! I thought the upward inflection was Australian - horribly absorbed into the English language by kids watching too much Neighbours. It's an Australian TV programme? (See I did the upward inflection question mark at the end of a statement - works!)


When I'm referring to any god as a proper noun, then I capitalize it. If I'm talking about a specific deity, such as GOD... yes. If Church is used as a proper noun, i.e. The First Church of the Church that didn't feel like a Church, then Yes. If I'm talking about a generic church, then no. If I'm referring to the collection of holy books in the Christian and Jewish faith, then I capitalize Bible. If the word in in a title, "The Nose Piercer's Bible..." Then I capitalize Bible. But if I'm talking about bible in it's generic form, such as, "this is the nose piercer's bible, you should read it... " then no.

It's simple grammar, and I'm not going to stop using grammar correctly because I'm afraid of a letter.

I think we all know the grammar - that's not the point. Language belongs to the people who use it, not the people who police it.

@GoldenDoll: Perhaps you could benefit from reading a book or two. If you're afraid of letters, maybe language isn't for you.


I think it's a very trivial and unimportant issue. Who cares if you use upper or lower casel letters or not? Ridiculous!

It's about respect/disrespect. Fine if you don't see that.

@GoldenDoll: It's about grammar, not your crazy dogmatic ideology.

@Benthoven - missing the point again, and pretty funny that an American is tutoring me on the English language.


I use God when referring to the Abrahamic deity because I think it's common practice. I consider it akin to capitalizing Thor, Zeus, and Anubis.

But Thor, Zeus, and Anubis is a proper name - like Fred. God is a noun - like dog -and is only capitalized because people are afraid they're going to end up in a lake of fire if they don't.

It's religions influence for sure...

@Mandrake981 Love it - well said!

@Mandrake981 Yes!


@Varn & @GoldenDoll - I use that analogy a lot. It's like someone saying they'd like you to meet their only true dog Dog. It just doesn't vibe. Someone wrote the story, claimed that their god was the one and only, and people just fall all over themselves to show it respect and please it. It's a concept - one which has no bearing on anything in real life. It has never existed, and won't, and as such, shouldn't even be called a god, much less God, LOL.

@IntellectualRN - again, claiming "god" as a name is like calling your dog "dog". While it acts as a "name" for you, it's still a noun describing what may be zero or more things. Making it a "Proper Noun" is entirely based on the religious context. Look at the posts about it - people who say "god should be capitalized" also go on to say that the "monotheistic god", if referenced, should be capitalized - while all other God's should be written lowercase - in other words, you should show preference if it's THAT god, not this one. Which is because it's written that way in the Bible.

It also capitalized pronouns for it too ("Him" instead of "Him" ). If I'm not worried about some douchebag deity with anger issues roughing me up for not believing in it, I am surely not going to tremble at the thought of it being pissed off because I didn't capitalize his character reference....

I certainly don't do it out of reverence because I don't think any deity is real. I'm merely following common practice as that particularly deity is the most widespread delusion at present. I do my part to fight the ridiculous ideas of religion daily, but the grammar front is not one on which I am engaged.

@IntellectualRN - I think I stick to the lower case just to irritate them anyway. It's more of a dig back for all the years I've had to watch my P's and Q's, LOL.

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